About the essence of the Ukrainian Revolution (Regarding finding Bulatov)
We need to understand that this is not a conflict between the supporters of Yanukovych and his opponents. This is much deeper. This is a revolt against the police-gangsters, both in and out of uniform.
For 22 years power in this country belonged to them, to their system of prosecutors, judges and cops. This is a unified system, where cadres circulated in a closed circle, and the way of looking at the world of all these cadres is the same.
When the first cocktails began flying on Hrushevsky Street, the cops felt unease. It was a sign for them, a very uncomfortable sign-they were no longer feared. The fearsome Berkut was no longer feared! The gangsters in uniform sensed it at first instinctually that the pillars of power were beginning to sway. And Yanukovych here is almost beside the point. The conflict between Yanukovych and his citizens is only one of the story lines in the battle between the citizens and the gangster cops. Only a minor story in a great battle.
That is why everything that occurred on Hrushevsky received such a harsh reply. There immediately appeared those who, albeit in coordination from the state, but equally of their own desire, decided to get to the business of intimidating the rebellious crowd, to blast away its revolutionary fervor with tidal waves of fear. They began to do those things that truthfully they've always done, but which the people in the day-to-day hypnosis of their daily lives were unable to understand-because of the horror and perversion of these things. They began to kidnap and torture people, only to then turn them over to their dear machine of "justice." The expected the people to get scared.
The right to cruelty, the right to violence-they absolutely sincerely believe to be their natural and exclusive right. Ask any judge, and he or she will explain to you, that without a cruel and violent police a society cannot exist.
What we have now before us is a Vradiyivka on a national scale. They understand this perfectly and are prepared to go for broke in suppressing the rebellion. To a significant extent they are autonomous from Yanukovych, they have their own independent interest in this.
The worst thing is that none of the present political leaders are a convincing embodiment of that which the people who have risen up want. Among the threesome, and even among the second echelon it is futile to search for a true "anti-gangster"-one who would have a sure plan for reforming the judicial and law-enforcement system nor the passionate energy it would take to bring such a plan into being.
There is no political conflict. There are only the cops and gangsters against the people.
*Vradiyivka, a small Ukrainian town in the Mykolayiv oblast where in July 2013 outrage over a police gang-rape of a local woman led to several hundred people storming the police station. The story made national headlines and led to the firing of the local prosecutor.
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