10 листопада 2022, 22:40
WORLD WAR FOR FREEDOM – this is what they will call it
WORLD WAR FOR FREEDOM (this is what they will call it, in my opinion) sent everything otherworldly and artificial after the Russian ship, everything that has no essential meaning for a normal Human, everything that is meaningless in a war for truth and justice.

Among those currently serving in the regular Noman Çelebicihan Crimean Tatar UAF division are:
• ethnic Ukrainians and Qırımlı;
• Muslims and Christians, Shiites (Azerbaijanis) and Sunnis;
• a Croatian woman whose 8 family members were slaughtered by the Serbs, including a 2-month-old baby, when she was a child;
• an American transgender, LGBT+ activist from Nevada, who changed sex three years ago and in early March moved from Las Vegas to Kharkiv, where she spent 8 months filming reports for the media and Twitter.
(The list is updated every day.)
All these people are People. This is enough to stand shoulder to shoulder to defend Ukraine and Freedom.
These three letters have became enough for diverse People to unite, focus on the main thing, by default discarding rubbish that means nothing in the mortal combat of Freedom and slavery, Life and death.
People. How much I love you. How happy I am to see and communicate with you. And to help you somehow.
In the photo: Sarah Ashton-Cirillo (Nevada, USA), please follow her Twitter, everything is interesting there.

P.S. You can help the Noman Çelebicihan UAF unit by sending a donation to the Ukrainian PrivatBank card of the commander, Lenur Islâmov, or to our PayPal or to their international bank details.
Lenur Isliamov
PayPal: liberationofcrimea@gmail.com

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