17 січня 2023, 12:57


The final decision of the administrators of the American company "META" to delete my main Facebook account, which I as a public person and journalist have been using for almost 12 years, is shameful, but not the only one among similar others. I understand that, but I have a couple of additional questions.

First of all. Okay, on a private platform, its owners can theoretically ban anything (although I am sure that violates the spirit and letter of the First Amendment to the US Constitution). But on what grounds does META deprive not only OTHERS, but also ME of the opportunity to use MY intellectual property, i.e. my texts, my videos, my photos, my broadcasts, etc., from the last 12 years? That is, according to their unilateral and final decision, I will never be able to see them again, I will not be able to use them in any way, even for any money. Although my account is quite popular-over 80,000 followers-it has definitely paid off META many times over for its 12 years of existence through views and advertising. In fact, META has now stolen my future book or film, maybe not only one. This is direct intellectual and financial robbery. No, I will not put up with it.

Second. The moral side of this matter. In many of my posts on Facebook, I publicly predicted and proved to the world community what this war of Russia against Ukraine and the entire Western civilization would be like. The Russians are now carrying out genocide and committing crimes against humanity are in Ukraine. And it is at this time that the American company META helps the Russians rewrite history online. It destroys the truth on the Internet, like barbarians once destroyed libraries. This is a moral and historical crime that I will not forgive either. All the more so because it is being committed not only in relation to me, but also against many Ukrainians who are now recording the truth about Russian aggression and becoming victims of the artificial, immoral, criminal ban on the truth.

You, the owners and administrators of META, will ultimately have to answer for all of this. Either before the American court, and I will definitely turn to the US justice system, or before the American and world society. Or it will happen simultaneously. I promise that to you.

I have the honour. Ukrainian journalist who predicted this war and many other things, Ayder Mujdabayev.

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