12 листопада 2023, 12:54

STRONG WEAKNESS OF DEMOCRACY. Why doesn't Freedom want to win?

Yes, if Biden had given 500 tanks or 1,000, which are simply gathering dust at the bases, if he had given 300-400 F-16s, then the front line would have already been on the border of the 1991 year and he would have gone to the polls with the flag raised and all of America and the world would applaud to him. But the Democrats are sucking some ratings from each other. All you need is political will and balls. Do you think Biden is not aware of the situation, and for this Zaluzhny needed to write an article? Well, if Biden deliberately commits suicide for himself and America, deliberately risks the elections and risks the fact that Trump will come, because he was not up to give Ukraine 500 tanks, there is something I don't understand in this life. So this is voluntary suicide? Biden decided to give America to Trump and die in this battle with absolute evil, or what? Despite the fact that everything is in his hands.

He could have given away these tanks a year ago, 2 years ago, he could have given away these planes a year ago. It's true that America doesn't need these F-16s. I've seen photographs of these training grounds where they just stand covered in the desert. Perhaps such aircraft are being prepared for war with Iran? That is, you didn't have time here, you want to lose one war and then lose the second, if it's part of the same front. America says – we must support everyone! America is sending 30 tanks to Ukraine – this is a spit on America, you understand? This is simply a disgrace to America! They sent 30 tanks to Ukraine! The tank lives on the battlefield for 45 minutes. The American general may be sad to hear that Abrams will survive 45 minutes on the battlefield, but they have never fought with them in such a war! American tanks fought in Iraq, but there was no such resistance there. Nobody knows how these tanks and drones fight. For America, this is also an opportunity to test all of its weapons, to see if they are up to date with today's times. This is a war that never happened, that's what Zaluzhny said. The fact is that we see everything the enemy does and they see everything we do. No one has ever fought like this.

There is American support, but the assistance is provided in insufficient quantities, and perhaps there is not enough time. How long does it take for Biden to understand that he will lose the election if Ukraine loses? Is this some kind of special intelligence needed? Do we need to gather some kind of advisors?

OK, no one knows whether he will lose or not, but even risking himself and America in this way is simply stupid. It's just tons of metal you have that will never possibly fight. Not giving these planes, tanks and preventing Ukraine from advancing the front line at least two or three times more than it is now. The front line stands. Ukraine is fighting as best it can with what it can.

It's just to give in to Putin. Why should America lose Ukraine? The diplomatic path is closed. The military man remains. Even Xi Jiping put Putin in his place regarding nuclear weapons. So what is America afraid of? The AFU, with a shortage of weapons, destroyed half of the Russian army. Do you want Putin to dictate how to live? Or do you want millions of Ukrainians to be killed in front of your eyes and then you will shed tears? If you can't get rid of Russia and Russia will attack anyway, well, finish off another half of their army and that's it. What's the problem? Why expect a long war? Russia can be defeated in 3 months. The Ukrainian army has shown that Russia can be defeated and driven out. Give us weapons, not a single one of your soldiers is needed.

Блог автора – матеріал, який відображає винятково точку зору автора. Текст блогу не претендує на об'єктивність та всебічність висвітлення теми, яка у ньому піднімається. Редакція "Української правди" не відповідає за достовірність та тлумачення наведеної інформації і виконує винятково роль носія. Точка зору редакції УП може не збігатися з точкою зору автора блогу.

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Подивіться самі. Або ви вже дивилися. Я не маю бажання коментувати це відео, крім того, що тут має місце гарна робота ведучого Сергія Гнезділова, хоча ви, мабуть, у курсі мого ставлення до "Громадського ТБ", де я в редакційному стоп-листі ще з січня 2016 року як націоналіст, русофоб і радикал...

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Побачив у кількох українських ЗМІ таку огидну новину. Але вона зацікавила мене не своєю огидністю. Річ у тім, що декілька років тому я пару-трійку разів вимушено опинявся в одному місці в Києві поруч з людиною, якого звали Віталій Манасян...


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