TRUMP = PUTIN. But pink sheep do not see this
This has probably never happened in the history of the United States. See: Trump already now, a year (!) before a possible (!) presidential inauguration, de facto (as a Führer through the party that has become his property) rules America. He is already destroying American democracy with its original tradition of compromise for the sake of national unity. He is destroying aid for Ukraine, which is strategic for the whole world, in particular for the US and its allies, in preparation for the destruction of alliances (de jure or de facto). He obviously follows all the orders of Putin, who I'm sure has been controlling him for a long time and directly (hello to the once glorious CIA!). And yes, of course, I am a "radical", "crazy", "not a journalist", etc. I have no arguments or evidence beyond simple honesty, logic and professional experience, but I am now asserting what I confidently assumed even before the 2016 election: Trump = Putin. However, democratic America and the civilised world are like a herd of sheep walking to the slaughterhouse, without realising what is there. No, this is no longer a world of infantile pink ponies-humanity has managed to quickly pass that stage. Now this is a world of some kind of pink sheep of the shade of their own blood.
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