15 лютого 2024, 20:31

Therefore, we understand that the plan for dividing the world and in fact its capture and/or hybrid subordination of key Western countries, including the United States, to Russia, has been finally approved in the Kremlin. The agents have begun to implement it. Soon we will hear from other politicians and media figures recruited by the Russians in the West-not just in the United States and not just Trump. Führer Putin has nothing to lose. The stakes have been raised to the maximum. In the coming years, he (his Reich) will either defeat Ukraine and then the West or will be destroyed. The new Hitler is going all-in.
And one more thing. I am both amused and irritated by attempts to look for some secret grains of common sense, to cling to at least something reasonable in what Trump says, to think of at least something positive from his coming to power. This is even more stupid than looking for gold in a toilet cesspool. However, someone could accidentally drop it there. However, there is nothing accidental in Trump's words and actions. He is Putin's agent. Full stop.
The only thing that will save the world from disaster is that he (in fact Putin) will not have a second chance.
P.S. This is my post written in the summer of 2016, before Trump came to power in the United States.

"31 July 2016
Many are perplexed why Putin reacted so calmly to the disgrace of the Russian national team at the Olympics. It is simple. His Olympics this year will be held in the autumn in the United States, where the unprincipled populist Trump, his obvious ally, if not protégé, is striving for "gold medals" from the "Russian World" team. I don't think that Putin is now interested in anything other than these competitions. One has to not know him at all in order not to understand where all the forces are now being thrown, what all the bets are placed on. O world, you are a sport in which any doping is allowed. Putin realises that this race for him is tantamount to life and death, and he will invest everything he can into it. I do not know what exactly this will be expressed in, but it seems that a lot of completely un-American news from America awaits us".
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