17 грудня 2012, 17:33
on EU's Eastern Gangstership
The Hospitable Republic
being the only territory in Ukraine which is openly independent from the illegitimate Yanukovich regime since May 26, 2012
1. welcomes attempts of the EU keep the door for the democratic Ukraine open;
2. is surprised the official Brussels has problems defining the difference between the usurped state institutions of Ukraine on the one hand and its nonviolent, prodemocratic and pro-European citizens on the other;
3. calls on the EU structures to pay due attention to the violent attempts of the ex-"lawyer" of the headquarters of the "Party" of Regions "Zoriany" Dmitriy Yarych to take control over the Hostynnyj Dvir;
4. urges the EU bodies to efficiently use the conditionality principle and Eastern Partnership instruments to help the Ukrainian civil society bring down the Yanukovich regime, save the Hostynnyj Dvir from the "reconstruction" and Hospitable republic – from the state-sponsored violence of the bandits turned "businessmen", "politicians", and "officials";
5. believes that any development of the Hostynnyj Dvir and other public property can be done by legitimate representatives only through open and competitive tenders only.
The Hospitable Republic urges the EU to use its Eastern Partnership instruments to finally stop legitimisation of the Eastern Gangstership in Ukraine and suspend the Association Agreement with the Yanukovich regime, whose constitutional legitimacy was questioned among others by the Venice Commission of the Concil of Europe in its Opinion dating back to 2010 as well as fraudulent parliamentary "elections" of 2012.
December 17, 2012
Kyiv, 4 Kontraktova sq.
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