23 грудня 2012, 11:53
are Pshonka and Zakharchenko good writers too? (updated)
Dear Mr. Ambassador:
Visa cancellation for corrupt officials, support to writers and nonviolent fighters are among the top priorities of the Hospitable Republic. Let me thank you for your government's contribution to the development of arts in Ukraine through revocation of US visa from Mr Kuzmin – his letter to President Obama is definitely a piece of art in epistolary genre.
John, I urge you and the U.S. Government to keep opening literary prospects for Ukrainian officials. In particular please pay attention to his boss Mr Pshonka and Minister of Internal affairs Mr Zakharchenko, whose institutions are backing violent bandits operating in the Hostynnyj Dvir.
I have a dream that many more literary masterpieces of corrupt officials will appear before the end of your mission term in Ukraine and withstand the test of time.
Please accept assurances of my highest consideration and esteem.
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