12 квітня 2022, 11:44

To understand the nature of the strength of the Ukrainian resistance, it is necessary to look into the eyes of these people

PRAYER FOR A MILLION. This is what the co-founder of Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PFVMH) Gennady Druzenko called his appeal. First I submit this appeal, and then – interviews with doctors who heroically save people in this war, in which there are no rules. In which the Russian occupiers fire on medics with the wounded and ambulances, which take people out of the shelling area and the battlefield. And since this war of Russia against Ukraine is a people's war, I give everyone the opportunity to take part in it. Including your support of volunteers from the PFVMH. All the necessary information here:


So, "Prayer for a Million:

Remember the scandal with armored ambulances, the purchase of which was not approved by the Ministry of Defense? It has a sequel.

Finally, I found out how to officially bring modern armored multifunctional cars to Ukraine for #ПДМШ, which will be converted into an evacuation vehicle for the red zone in a week.

All documents for the import of three Senator Roshel horses to Ukraine have already been signed. Export control gave permission. The end user certificate is ready. Canadians are ready to ship the goods immediately after payment.

And then – purely Ukrainian history. The man who promised to pay for these cars refused to do so at the last minute: he said that he helps the Armed Forces so much enough. God is his judge...

The question is different: is there anyone in Ukraine or abroad who is willing to pay $ 1,104,585 for three Roshel Senator APC cars (price includes air delivery to Poland), which will allow #ПДМШ volunteer doctors to save hundreds of lives and significantly reduce the risk for their own?

Next week, my comrades from the special forces and I are advancing to the East, where the fate of Ukraine is being decided. In order for the war to never return to Kyiv, we must defeat the Russian plague in the East and in the South. Our place is there, because rashism is the worst disease that has attacked Ukraine.

I hope someone will estimate our lives at $ 1.1 million. A lot of miracles happened to me during the war. I pray to the Lord for another..."

And now I suggest you listen and watch. To understand the nature of the strength of the Ukrainian resistance, it is necessary to look into the eyes of these people.

Блог автора – матеріал, який відображає винятково точку зору автора. Текст блогу не претендує на об'єктивність та всебічність висвітлення теми, яка у ньому піднімається. Редакція "Української правди" не відповідає за достовірність та тлумачення наведеної інформації і виконує винятково роль носія. Точка зору редакції УП може не збігатися з точкою зору автора блогу.

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