10 березня 2024, 11:55

Vatican under the white flag

I imagined a picture: Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) with a white flag in his hands is going to negotiate... with the devil. For some reason, in the Middle Ages, and later in the Renaissance, artists did not create such paintings. Imagine the plot of the painting: The Pope negotiates with Beelzebub on the terms of peace. Vatican City, 1542, oil, unknown artist. We'll have to take the time to paint such a picture. With the help of artificial intelligence. I've been to the Louvre, but I've never seen anything like it. Perhaps the Catalan church would have burned the artist at the stake of the Inquisition for such a plot. It would have "purified" him with fire along with his studio and followers. But these are different times. Humanity has become (and was?) tolerant of great evil. And if this evil cannot be overcome by the speeches of Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) from the balcony in the Vatican, the head of this state and church offers another option: to submit to this evil. To raise a white flag and go to "negotiations". But when you negotiate with evil, you become part of it. And the world devoured by the devil turns into a dwelling place of evil and a source of infection that destroys civilization. Do you need examples? Here they are, right next to each other – the gangster enclaves torn away from Ukraine by Russia under the artificial name of "DPR-LPR". This is how white-flag negotiations with the devil end. Pope Francis cannot be unaware of this.

We have to admit that the Russian dictator Putin has managed to destroy or seriously damage world institutions with his war against Ukraine: The UN, the EU and NATO (when there is a virus inside, cultivated by the Hungarian government and Prime Minister Orban, the body can hardly be called healthy). With this war, Putin is now destroying the US Congress. All post-war agreements after World War II, the charter on the inviolability of borders, the declaration on the rights of people, whom the Russians are stupidly killing with all the potential of the "second army of the world", have been thrown into the trash.

Instead, we are increasingly urged to raise the white flag and move towards the Russian concentration camp. Russia's war against Ukraine has destroyed what was called Russian Orthodoxy, led by the pseudo-patriarch and oligarch Gundyaev, who blesses mass murder and kidnapping of children. Unfortunately, such a powerful institution as the Catholic Church is also being destroyed. The cathedrals of which, gleaming with gilded interiors, will, of course, stand all over the world as a symbol of past greatness and wealth, often collected around the world. But in these churches, I think, there will be a sense of emptiness. When the supreme pontiff calls for "white-flag negotiations" with the devil, it is not faith that is destroyed. Because if you want to pray to God, you can do it outside of Catholic cathedrals, and outside of Russian "temples of war." But it destroys trust in the institutions before which humanity has been kneeling for centuries.

The time comes when you realize that institutions have turned out to be conformist, artificial, and mercantile. And such institutions and organizations are not the best intermediary between a person and the Creator. In my opinion. I have the right to it, it's not the time of the Inquisition, is it?

Блог автора – матеріал, який відображає винятково точку зору автора. Текст блогу не претендує на об'єктивність та всебічність висвітлення теми, яка у ньому піднімається. Редакція "Української правди" не відповідає за достовірність та тлумачення наведеної інформації і виконує винятково роль носія. Точка зору редакції УП може не збігатися з точкою зору автора блогу.

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