5 вересня 2024, 14:53

IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi hugging the invaders of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant: "Stockholm" syndrome or official necessity?

The story of hugs and kisses with Russian war criminals, murderers and occupiers continues. After Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, who received Russian dictator Vladimir Putin in a friendly manner, and Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, who solemnly rolled out the carpet for Putin, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court, the baton was picked up by IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi. Of course, someone might say that this is politics. Nothing can be done – you have to shake hands and hug international criminals who have seized a nuclear power plant. We have to stop them from blowing up anything there. Perhaps Grossi then wipes his hands for a long time after all these hugs with a disinfectant and quietly vomits into the toilet in his room. But this is just a guess. We know for a fact that no diplomatic protocols prescribe joyful emotional hugs, as if at a meeting of good old friends.

I have only one question for all those who demonstrate their undisguised friendly disposition towards the occupiers, including IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi: do they really not realize that they are legalizing terrorists by their behavior? They are showing the whole world that it is possible to wage war on a peaceful country, kill and maim people, including children and pregnant women, seize a nuclear power plant and... presidents and secretaries general will run to you with their arms, extending not one but two hands to the invaders (note to the experts in protocols – isn't two hands too many for greeting, according to the existing etiquette?), hugging and patting you on the back joyfully and excitedly as if you were their own family?

Mr. Grossi, I hope this text will be shown to you. Please try to calm down your own "Stockholm syndrome" a bit, please. Because a lot of people are watching you. And they may have, I hope, the misconception that the leadership of such a respected organization as the IAEA is sympathetic and friendly to those who seize nuclear power plants. And this is already dangerous. Because it can encourage nuclear terrorists to take further action. I would not want attentive observers to hold the IAEA itself morally responsible for the manifestations of nuclear terrorism on the planet. Because this would be the final destruction of the global security system, and in such a sensitive area.

Yes, the IAEA Director General should visit the nuclear power plant seized by Russia. And, as far as possible, carry out inspections. But, in my opinion, the atmosphere in which this happens is also important. And the demonstration of a friendly and warm attitude towards what are essentially nuclear terrorists is somewhat surprising. This may suggest that an objective assessment of the situation may be difficult in such an atmosphere. After all, it is no secret that the Russian special services – the FSB and the GRU of the Russian Ministry of Defense – have sufficient resources to try to influence politicians and officials at various levels in different countries. And they know how to exert such influence – in order to obtain results that satisfy the occupying party. So, in my opinion, we should not cross certain boundaries in communicating with those who, for the first time in the history of mankind, have seized the largest nuclear power plant on the entire continent and are illegally managing it.

I've heard the version that warm relations with Putin or his subordinates, attendance at receptions and banquets organized by the aggressor country, friendly parties and joyful hugs can help resolve certain sensitive issues. I think this is from the evil one. Let me remind you of the historical experience: enthusiastic hugs, attendance at receptions, and excessive politeness with Hitler and his subordinates did not bring anything good to either the leaders of countries, church leaders, or heads of organizations and companies that were engaged in this type of diplomacy. I hope it will be the same now. Time will put everything and everyone in their place. And the memories and photos will remain.

In the photo: a screenshot from the video.

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