16 червня 2014, 11:16
This is Ukraine today – June 15. C'est l'Ukraine d'aujourd'hui – Le 15 juin. Dies ist die Ukraine heute – 15. Juni:
This is Ukraine today:
C'est l'Ukraine d'aujourd'hui:
Dies ist die Ukraine heute:
To jest Ukraina dzisiaj:
Esta es la actual Ucrania:
Questo è l'Ucraina di oggi:
Esta é hoje a Ucrânia:
Ukrajina je danas:
Это Украина сегодня:
Це Україна сьогодні:

U.S., UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa
Maidan Community Sector, Lviv: Dear friends!
By annexing Crimea, Russia has carried out an act of aggression against Ukraine. Currently Russia is transferring terrorist and sabotage groups to Eastern Ukraine. Russia aims to prevent legitimate presidential elections from happening. Everyday life in Eastern Ukraine has turned into a continuous nightmare in the middle of Europe. Our country is being destroyed right before our eyes. We therefore take the courage to inform you about current events in Ukraine. This is just another point of view. We will do our best to remain objective.
June 15 – After he was continuously tortured, an activist of Luhansk Euromaidan Oleksandr Reshetnyak was shot to death in the building of Security Service of Ukraine in Luhansk by the terrorists representing the self-proclaimed "People's Republic of Luhansk" (PRL). PRL terrorists tortured Reshetnyak, hoping he would provide information about where Ukrainian Army units and patriotic battalion "Aydar" are stationed.
June 15 – Self-proclaimed leader of the so called "People's Republic of Luhansk" Valeriy Bolotov admitted that his accomplice shot down the plane with 49 soldiers on board.
June 15 – Putin is forcing government employees to spend their summer holidays in empty Crimea. Their stay will be paid for by various enterprises or trade unions.
June 15 – Ukrainians have been protesting at the Russian Embassy in Kyiv for the second day in a row. The situation at the diplomatic mission is back to normal. Kyivans are bringing funeral wreaths dedicated to Vladimir Putin to the Embassy. At theUnited Nations Security Council meeting Western countries have blocked a statement by Russia condemning a protest rally at the Russian Embassy in Kyiv.
P.S.: Please spread this appeal as much as possible.

John O'Sullivan
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain – what Putin's really up to
Russia's foreign policy has become a 'Wizard of Oz' mixture of fake grandiosity and real menace
Vladimir Putin has won in Ukraine. Russia is on the verge of getting de facto control of eastern Ukraine, destabilising the remainder, and establishing its president's cherished Eurasian Union. The West is nowhere – weak, disunited, and out-strategised by a master of geopolitics.
Hang on, that's all wrong. Crimea was the high-water mark of Putin's neo-imperialist vision. He lost control of all Ukraine when Yanukovych fell and most of it voted firmly to stay outside his control in the recent presidential election. He's not even won the battle for eastern Ukraine, where the 'separatists' now meet a stronger Ukrainian military response. Poland's foreign minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, thinks this is partly because the West has been united in aiding Ukraine and opposing Russian aggression.
On the other hand, maybe all this just means that he's winning more slowly. Ethnic Russians and Russophones are two thirds of the east's population. They want continued political links with Russia, to which they are culturally linked for ever. Moreover, their 'separatists' control major eastern cities. And Russian troops are just over the border which, for practical purposes, has disappeared. It's just a matter of time, especially since Putin made Russia invulnerable to western pressure by concluding the biggest energy deal in history – a 30-year, $400 billion deal to export Siberian natural gas to China.
Well, OK, the separatists control major buildings in eastern cities, and they have enough guns and clubs to prevent others from voting in the presidential election. But opinion polls show that two thirds of eastern Ukrainians want independence and a close relationship with Europe as well as links with Russia. They have started demonstrating too.
So the separatists are feeling nervous-and not just because the Ukrainian army is killing large numbers of them. They fear betrayal by Putin, who called on them to cancel their referendum on independence and to embark on 'dialogue' with the newly 'legitimate' president and the formerly 'neo-fascist' Kiev regime. That same week he announced that the Russian troops had been ordered to return to their barracks. The markets briefly concluded that Putin knew he had overreached, wanted to avoid further sanctions, and would halt hostilities.
Confusing, isn't it? And Putin at least seems to like it that way. Nato spokesmen doubted his claim of Russian troop withdrawals because nothing had happened the last three times he said it. And the day after the 'legitimate' Ukrainian president was elected, separatists launched not 'dialogue' but an attack on the government-held airport in Donetsk. Since western journalists on the border report that the separatist forces are both Russian volunteers and trained soldiers, that attack may not have come as a surprise to the Kremlin. And news agencies recalled that Putin had earlier qualified his commitment to 'dialogue' with Kiev with the regretful comment that it would be 'very difficult for us to develop relations with people who come to power amid a punitive operation in southeastern Ukraine'. Battles in the east continue. Watch this olive branch in my hand; now you see it; now you don't; now you see it again – oh, it's a razor.
So what is Putin's game? Conferences of intellectuals have been discussing the Russian president in the context of Ukraine in recent months – and they generally find the experience like trying to pin down Proteus. Historian Timothy Snyder, New Republic literary editor Leon Wieseltier, and a slew of western embassies jointly convened a recent such conference in Kiev which expressed both puzzlement and distress at Russia's success in persuading many on the western left that Putin's actions over Ukraine were justified or at least understandable.
At an earlier conference in Vilnius of Russian, Ukrainian, Baltic, and Polish intellectuals (with a sprinkling of Brits and Americans), 'Russia Reality Check' organised by Lithuania's Eastern Europe Studies Centre,' those present divided roughly into two camps. Some thought Putin a shrewd, ruthless, cynical kleptocrat, principally concerned to protect and increase his vast fortune, to avoid any future imprisonment, and thus to retain power for himself and his clique more or less indefinitely. That was the optimistic view: it implied a desire to avoid serious conflict-or at least to confine it to domestic opponents.
But a disturbingly large number, including some former government officials from Russia and western Europe, saw the Russian president as bent upon a tactically cautious but strategically bold campaign to reverse the post-Cold War settlement of 1989, and indeed to go further.
A former Russian official with some personal knowledge of Putin outlined what he thought was his long-term vision, and reckoned its domestic stages had already been accomplished: create a strong centralised presidency, subordinate all arms of government to it, extend its control over private industry through corruption and favouritism, and make the media, public or private, an arm of presidential propaganda.
The vision's application to foreign policy only began with the Russo-Georgian War in 2008. It is unfolding further with the Ukraine crisis. In succession it would include the gradual re-incorporation of ethnic Russians and Russophones in the Russian 'federation', the establishment of a Eurasian Union composed of former Soviet republics in Central Asia (with similar authoritarian regimes) to augment Russian stability and power, a rapprochement with China, the sedation and neutralising of western Europe, especially Germany, and finally a long economic struggle with the principal enemy, now isolated: the English-speaking world, the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, etc – in current lingo, the Anglosphere.
This was heady stuff and, for a Brit, even flattering: the Great Game redivivus on an even larger scale than in the 19th century! Does Peter Jones, I wondered, still stock swagger sticks and pith helmets? But two qualifications may calm the mind.
The first is the protean nature of the Putin regime, especially in its use of the media. Journalist Peter Pomerantsev, an Anglo-Russian essayist and film-maker who graduated with honours in the world of modern Russian media, describes the regime as a post-modern dictatorship 'in the sense that it uses many of the techniques associated with postmodern art and philosophy: pastiches of other's narratives, simulacra (i.e. fake) institutions, and a "society of spectacle" with no substance.' He continues in a recent Legatum Institute lecture: 'The regime's salient feature is a liquid, shape-shifting approach to power... the leaders of today's Kremlin can speak like liberal modernisers in the morning and religious fanatics in the afternoon.' And that is exactly what they do – a regime run by its intelligence service puts on a series of happenings to suit the political needs of the moment.
In such a regime the media plays an especially important role (as indeed it did in prewar fascist regimes). 'Politics as spectacle', to borrow Pomerantsev's phrase, is a perfect distraction-substitute for politics as who gets what, where, when and how. It is therefore an especially valuable technique for a kleptocratic regime. Whenever the populace seems riled up over something like corruption, state television will show Putin summoning leading officials and giving them a stern talking-to. The political needs of the Ukraine crisis were for an injection of jingoism into the body politic. And state television -Russia Today for abroad – obliged with a steady diet of anti-fascist denunciations directed towards Kiev. Nor was that without effect. Some of the Russian intellectuals in Vilnius were genuinely sad over the fact that close friends had been swept away in this fake-nationalist tsunami, along with high percentages of ordinary Russians. And the western leftists who were excusing Putin's Ukrainian adventure, or so the Kiev conference intellectuals lamented, were probably repeating memes – Russia's natural sphere of interest, anti-Semites running Kiev, the threat from the EU (!) – that they had picked up via Russia Today.
For the Kremlin's postmodern media techniques seem to work as well with foreign as with domestic audiences. Thus, Putin announces the withdrawal of the same troops several times over and even gets credit for his willingness to compromise. Or as President Obama complained in a press conference, he assures the world that the troops in Crimea are nothing to do with him until some time later he cheerfully admits they are Russian. Or he publicly calls on the separatists to abandon their planned independence referendum while continuing to give practical military support to them after they 'ignore' him (those are postmodern quotes).
Pomerantsev compares these exercises in political technology to the final scene in the Wizard of Oz. Another comparison might be the satirical filmWag the Dog, in which an American president gets re-elected by winning an entirely simulated war. In Putin's case, of course, the war is real enough – a recent UN estimate was that 127 people have been killed in the recent unrest in eastern Ukraine – but the dialogue is simulated.
Will that continue to be the case? Some of the 'geo-politicians' in Moscow who chill our blood with their grand designs for a world-dominating Eurasian Union may well be no more than touring cast members in Putin's repertory theatre of useful ideologues – to be wheeled on stage when the troops go in and pushed behind the scenery when Mrs Merkel is in town. One of the advantages of post-modernity is that it is shameless. It makes major adjustments to the script – or strategic vision – without ever conceding that there was such a thing in the first place. And even when there is such a thing, a tactically agile strategist will postpone it indefinitely if he meets a harsh response or high obstacles.
The second reason for calm is that Putin is probably more aware than anyone of the formidable obstacles in the path of his Eurasian Union and its march to victory over the Anglo-Saxons. To begin with, Ukraine's membership in his Union is essential to its success – and that outcome is farther away than when he began to squeeze Yanukovych into breaking off negotiations with the EU.
The spontaneous pro-Russian uprising he expected never occurred; it had to be goosed by thuggery and covert intervention. It has since led to a widespread anti-Kremlin nationalism among Ukrainians of all ethnicities. A Ukrainian president has been elected with the legitimacy of a clear majority and without needing a destabilising run-off vote. The neo-fascist parties supposedly ruling Kiev got 1 per cent each in the same elections. The new leader will get more western aid than did his predecessors. Putin can see that continuing a covert subversion of eastern Ukraine would probably cost him and his kleptocratic supporters dear – and invading the rest of Ukraine might even bring him down.
Even if Putin succeeds in destabilising Ukraine indefinitely, that is the most he can hope for. He cannot now draw it into his authoritarian stockade. Indeed, other authoritarians in Central Asia may be reluctant to join his camp or to yield it any real power if they do. It is their own authoritarianism they favour, not the domination of Moscow.
And the wider geopolitical struggle with the Anglo-Saxons? The Sino-Russian gas deal was a plot twist of brilliant timing, since it came after mumbled western threats to diversify European energy suppliers. A Gazprom spokesman drove home the message, comparing Sino-Russian co-operation in exploiting fossil fuels with western Europe's reliance on wind in every sense. But it signifies no great geopolitical shift of power.
Turn from the worried strategists on newspaper opinion pages to the business pages and trade journals. There you will learn that it was Putin who forced the pace on finalising a deal that had been in negotiation for years (for the obvious reason that he wanted a response to western pressure); that just hours beforehand the leaks suggested no agreement on prices; that the prices agreed at the last minute will not be publicly revealed; but that they are almost certainly at or below the discount rates that Gazprom offers its traditional Central European customers. This was an OK commercial deal for Gazprom at best; it was a great political announcement for Putin; it was a shrewd exploitation of Putin's weakness by China; and it signifies that hard bargaining will characterise Sino-Russian relations across the board – including border disputes and foreign policy towards third parties.
Even if China were ever to get into a serious dispute with the US, then a middle-ranking energy-dependent power in demographic and economic decline like Russia would not be much help. And China would prefer to avoid such a conflict, even with a stronger ally than Putin, because it knows that the idea of American decline has been vastly oversold and that it faces major demographic and economic problems of its own. As Josef Joffe establishes in his magisterial Myth of America's Decline, even if China's growth does not slow down – which would make it unique in economic history – it will catch up with the US by about the Greek kalends. And with Chinese military spending at about a ninth of Washington's, military equality would take even longer.
Given a choice between defeating the Anglo-Saxons and tyrannising over his billions, Putin should do the latter. A master of political fantasy should never start believing it.
John O'Sullivan is director of the Danube Institute in Budapest and co-founder of Twenty-First Century Initiatives in Washington.

France, Belgique, Canada, Suisse
Le Secteur du peuple, Lviv: Chers collègues!
La Russie a commis un acte d'agression contre l'Ukraine et a annexé la Crimée. Depuis quelques semaines, la Russie met en place des groupes terroristes et des saboteurs dans les régions orientales de l'Ukraine. Son but – perturber les élections présidentielles légitimes. Actuellement la vie des habitants dans ces regions situées en plein milieu de l'Europe s'est transformée en un cauchemar continuel. On est en train de détruire notre pays devant nos propres yeux. Par conséquent, nous prenons notre courage à deux mains pour continuer à vous tenir aux courant des événements en Ukraine. C'est un point de vue parmi d'autres. Nous essayerons de rester objectifs.
Le 15 juin – Dans les bureaux du SBU à Louhansk, les terroristes de l'auto-proclamée "République populaire de Louhansk" ont torturé et fusillé le militant de l'Euromaidan, Oleksandr Reshetnyak. Les terroristes le torturait dans l'espoir d'obtenir des informations sur les déploiements des militaires ukrainiens et du bataillon patriotique "Aidar".
Le 15 juin – Valeriy Bolotov, le chef auto-proclamé des terroristes de la soi-disant "République populaire de Louhansk" admet que ses sbires ont abattu l'avion avec 49 soldats à bord.
Le 15 juin – Poutine force les fonctionnaires et membres du gouvernement russe de passer leurs vacances d'été en Crimée (qui est vide de touristes). Mais, leur séjour doit etre payé par les entreprises ou les syndicats.
Le 15 juin – Deuxième journée de protestation à l'ambassade de Russie à Kyiv... La situation est revenue à la normale à la représentation diplomatique. Les habitants de Kyiv viennent à l'ambassade et apportent des couronnes funéraires avec l'inscription "à Vladimir Poutine". Au Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU, les pays occidentaux ont bloqué la déclaration russe qui condamne les manifestations devant l'ambassade de Russie à Kyiv.
P.S.: Faîtes circuler cet appel, SVP!

Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz
Bürgercenter von Maidan, Lemberg
Liebe Kolleginen, liebe Kollegen;
Russland hat einen Akt der Agression gegenüber der Ukraine begangen, indem es die Krim annektierte. Nun hat es terroristische Saboteurgruppen in die Ostukraine eingeschleust. Das Ziel ist, die legale Präsidentschaftswahlen in der Ukraine zu verhindern. Deswegen wird das Leben im Osten der Ukraine zum Albtraum inmitten von Europa gemacht. Vor unseren Augen wird das Land zerstört. Daher nehmen wir unser Mut zusammen, um Sie über die Ereignisse in der Ukraine zu informieren. Das ist nur ein Standpunkt, obwohl wir versuchen, objektiv zu sein.
15. Juni – In Luhansk wurde Aktivist der luhansker Maidan-Bewegung Oleksandr Reschetniak, nachdem er im SBU-Gebäude von den Separatistenkämpfern der selbstausgerufenen "Volksrepublik Luhansk" (VRL) gefoltert wurde, erschossen. Die Terroristen der VRL haben Ratuschniak wohl in der Hoffnung foltert, dass er ihnen Information über Standorte der ukrainischen Armee und der patriotischen Bataillon Ajdar verrät.
15. Juni – Der selbsternannte Anführer der Separatistenkämpfer aus der sogenannten "Volksrepublik Luhansk" Valerij Bolotow hat zugegeben, dass seine Komplizen das Flugzeug mit 49 Soldaten am Bord abgeschossen haben.
15. Juni – Die leere Krim will Putin mit Staatsbediensteten der Russischen Föderation füllen, indem er diese verpflichten möchte, ihren Sommerurlaub auf der Krim zu verbringen. Der Aufenthalt russischer Staatsdiener auf der Krim sollen dabei ihre Betriebe oder Gewerkschaften übernehmen.
15. Juni – Den zweiten Tag dauert der Protest von Ukrainern vor der russischen Botschaft in Kiew an. Die Lage vor der diplomatischen Vertretung hat sich normalisiert. Kiewer Einwohner bringen Beerdigungskränze mit der Inschrift "dem Wladimir Putin" zur russischen Botschaft. Westliche Staaten haben im UNO-Sicherheitsrat eine durch Russland eingebrachte Resolution zur Verurteilung des Protests vor der russischen Botschaft in Kiew blockiert.
PS: Bitte, wie weit verbreitet diese Informationen wie möglich.

Portugal, Brazil
O Sector Civil do Maidan, Lviv: Caros colegas!
A Rússia realizou um ato de agressão contra a Ucrânia, anexando a Crimeia. Depois disso, ela enviou grupos subversivos de terroristas para Leste da Ucrânia. O objetivo é não permitir legais eleições do presidente. Assim, a vida das pessoas em Leste da Ucrânia foi transformada para um pesadelo no centro da Europa. Diante dos nossos olhos, o nosso país está a ser destruído. Por isso, tomamos a coragem de informar-vos sobre os acontecimentos na Ucrânia. Este é um dos pontos de vista. Vamos tentar ser imparciais.
Notícias de 15 de Junho
Oleksandr Reshetnyak, ativista do Euromaidan de Luhansk foi atirado após torturas pelos bandidos de auto-proclamada terrorista República popular de Luhansk no edifício do Serviço da Segurança da Ucrânia em cidade de Luhansk. Os bandidos de RPL torturaram Reshetnyak esperando obter informação sobre localização do exército ucraniano e batalhão patriótico Aidar.
Auto-proclamado líder dos bandidos da assim chamada República popular de Luhansk, Valeriy Bolotov confirmou que seus subordinados tinham derrubado o avião com 49 soldados em bordo.
Putin forçosamente envia funcionarios da Federação Russa para vazia Crimeia – neste ano passar as suas férias de verão na Crimeia. No mesmo tempo as empresas ou sindicatos devem financiar as suas férias nos resorts.
Já o segundo dia dura o protesto perto da Embaixada da Rússia em Kyiv. A situação perto da missão diplomática voltou ao normal. Os cidadãos de Kyiv chegam para Embaixada e trazem coroas de flores funerais com a inscrição "Para Vladimir Putin". Os países ocidentais bloquearam declaração condenando piquetes da embaixada russa em Kyiv oferecida pela Rússia no Conselho da Segurança da ONU.
P.S. Por favor, espalhe esta informação o mais amplamente possível.

Ludowy sektor Majdan, Lwów: Szanowni Państwo!
Rosja dokonała aktu agresji przeciw Ukrainie, anektując Krym. Teraz Rosja wprowadziła grupy terrorystyczno-dywersyjne na Wschodnią Ukrainę. Cel jej działań- zapobiec legalnym wyborom prezydenckim na Ukrainie. Dlatego dziś życie mieszkańców Wschodniej Ukrainy pozostaje ciągłym horrendum w środku Europy. Na naszych oczach niszczą nasz kraj. Dlatego bierzemy na siebie odwagę informować państwa o wydarzeniach na Ukrainie. To jest jeszcze jeden punkt widzenia. My postaramy się być uczciwymi.
15 czerwca – W Ługańsku po torturach w zajętym przez terrorystów budynku SBU bojownicy-terroryści z samozwańczej "Ługańskiej Republiki Ludowej" zastrzelili aktywista ługańskiego Euromajdanu Ołeksandr Reszetniak. Gangsterzy z ŁRL torturowały Reszetniaka wiele dni, wymuszając informację o miejscach dyslokacji wojska ukraińskiego i ochotniczego batalionu Gwardii Narodowej "Aidar".
15 czerwca – Samozwańczy przywódca bojowników z terrorystycznej organizacji "Ługańska Republika Ludowa" Walerij Bołotow przyznał, że to jego poplecznicy zestrzeliły poprzedniego dnia samolot z 49 żołnierzami i oficerami wojska ukraińskiego na pokładzie.
15 czerwca – Puste plaże Krymu Putin na siłę wypełnia urzędnikami z FR, zmuszając ich w tym roku spędzić letnie wakacje na Krymie. Przy tym płaca za pobyt na kurorcie wymagana jest od przedsiębiorstw lub związków zawodowych.
15 czerwca – Drugi dzień trwają protesty Ukraińców przed ambasadą Rosji w Kijowie. Sytuacja pod budynkiem misji dyplomatycznej wróciła do normy. Kijowianie przynoszą do ambasady wieńce pogrzebowe z napisem "Władimirowi Putinowi". Kraje zachodnie zablokowały w Radzie Bezpieczeństwa ONZ proponowane przez Rosję oświadczenie, potępiające pikietowanie ambasady rosyjskiej w Kijowie.
Postscriptum: Proszę rozprzestrzeniać tę informację jak najszerzej.

Italia, Svizzera, Vaticano
Settore pubblico di Maidan, L'viv: Gentili colleghi!
La Russia, annettendo la Crimea, ha effettuato un atto di aggressione nei confronti dell'Ucraina. Ora essa ha introdotto gruppi terroristici e sovversivi in Ucraina orientale. Il suo fine è quello di vietare che le elezioni presidenziali legittime abbiano luogo. In questo modo la vita in Ucraina orientale si è trasformata in un incubo nel cuore dell'Europa. Davanti ai nostri occhi viene distrutto il nostro Paese. Per questo, ci prendiamo la responsabilità di informarvi riguardo agli eventi in Ucraina. Si tratta di un altro punto di vista. Cercheremo di essere obiettivi.
15 giugno – A Luhans'k, dopo due giorni di torture, i militanti della autoproclamata e terroristica Repubblica Popolare di Luhans'k hanno ucciso l'attivista del EuroMaydan di Luhans'k Oleksandr Reshetnyak. I terroristi hanno torturato Reshetnyak sperando di ottenere informazioni sulle posizioni dell'esercito ucraino e del battaglione patriottico "Aidar".
15 giugno – Il leader autoproclamato dei militanti della cosiddetta "Repubblica Popolare di Luhans'k" Valerij Bolotov ha ammesso che i suoi compagni hanno abbattuto l'aereo con 49 soldati ucraini a bordo.
15 giugno – La Crimea, ormai spopolata, viene riempita forzatamente con i funzionari della Federazione russa, i quali vengono "invitati" a trascorrere le loro vacanze estive in Crimea. Il loro soggiorno verrà finanziato dalle imprese o dai sindacati.
15 giugno – Da due giorni ormai è in corso la protesta degli ucraini di fronte all'ambasciata russa a Kyiv. La situazione si è calmata. Gli abitanti di Kyiv vengono sotto l'ambasciata a portare le corone funebri con la scritta "Per Vladimir Putin". I Paesi occidentali hanno bloccato al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite la dichiarazione di condanna del picchettaggio dell'ambasciata russa a Kyiv, proposta dalla Russia.
Post scriptum: Si prega di diffondere queste informazioni il più ampiamente possibile.

Građanski sektor Majdana, Lavov: Poštovane koleginice i kolege!
Rusija je izvršila akt agresije prema Ukrajini anektiravši Krim. Sada je uvela terorističko-diverzantske grupe u Istočnu Ukrajinu. Cilj je da se spreče legalni izbori predsednika. Zato je sad život u Istočnoj Ukrajini pretvoren u totalni užas u centru Evrope. Na naše oči uništava se naša zemlja. Zato se usuđujemo da vas informišemo o događajima u Ukrajini. Ovo je još jedna tačka gledišta. Trudićemo se da budemo objektivni.
15. jun. – U Lugansku teroristi samoproklamovane Luganske narodne republike ubili su nakon mučenja u zgradi SBU aktivistu luganskog Evromajdana Oleksandra Rešetnjaka. Teroristi LNR mučili su Rešetnjaka nadajući se da će dobiti informaciju o mestima dislokacije ukrajinske armije i patriotskog bataljona Ajdar.
15. jun. – Samoproglašeni lider terorista takozvane "Luganske narodne republike" Valerij Bolotov je priznao da su njegovi podređeni oborili avion sa 49 vojnika.
15. jun. – Prazan Krim Putin prisilno popunjava državnim službenicima RF – da ove godine letuju na Krimu. Pri tome njihov boravak imaju obavezu da plaćaju preduzeća ili sindikati.
15. jun. – Drugi dan traju protesti Ukrajinaca kod ambasade Rusije u Kijevu. Situacija kod diplomatskog predstavništva se normalizovala. Kijevljani dolaze kod ambasade i donose pogrebni venci sa natpisom "Vladimiru Putinu". Zemlje Zapada su blokirale u SB UN predloženu od strane Rusije izjavu u kojoj se osuđuje piketiranje ruske ambasade u Kijevu.
Пс.: Молимо вас да шире ову информацију што је шире могуће.

Общественный сектор Майдана, Львов, информирует: Уважаемые коллеги!
Россия осуществила акт агрессии в отношении Украины, аннексировав Крым. Сейчас она ввела террористически диверсионные группы в Восточную Украину. Цель – не допустить легальных выборов президента. Поэтому сегодня жизнь Восточной Украины превращена в сплошной кошмар в середине Европы. На наших глазах уничтожается наша страна. Поэтому мы берем на себя смелость информировать вас о событиях в Украине. Это еще одна точка зрения. Мы постараемся быть объективными.
15 июня – В Луганске после пыток в здании СБУ боевиками террористической самопровозглашенной Луганской народной республики был застерений активист луганского Евромайдана Александр Решетняк. Боевики ЛНР пытали Решетняка, в надежде получить информацию о местах дислокации украинской армии и патриотического батальона "Айдар.
15 июня – Лидер самопровозглашенной боевиками из так называемой "Луганской народной республики" Валерий Болотов признал, что его соратники сбили самолет с 49 солдатами на борту.
15 июня – Пустой Крым Путин насильно заполняет госслужащими РФ – в этом году он рекомендовал им провести свой летний отпуск в Крыму. При этом оплачивать их пребывание на курортах обязаны предприятия или профсоюзы.
15 июня – Второй день продолжается протест украинской общественности возле посольства России в Киеве. К вечеру ситуация у дипломатического представительства нормализовалась. Киевляне приходят к посольству и приносят похоронные венки с надписью "Владимиру Путину". Западные страны заблокировали в СБ ООН предложеннуе Россией заявление с осуждением пикетирование российского посольства в Киеве – Россия отказалась внести в него осуждение террористов, которые сбили украинский самолет.
Постскриптум: Пожалуйста, распространите эту информацию как можно шире.

Громадський сектор Майдану, Львів, інформує: Шановні колеги!
Росія здійснила акт агресії щодо України, анексувавши Крим. Зараз вона ввела терористично-диверсійні групи у Східну Україну. Мета – не допустити легальних виборів президента. Тому сьогодні життя Східної України перетворене на суцільний жах в середині Європи. На наших очах знищується наша країна. Тому ми беремо на себе відвагу інформувати вас про події в Україні. Це ще одна точка зору. Ми постараємося бути об'єктивними.
15 червня – У Луганську після катувань у будівлі СБУ бойовиками терористичної самопроголошеної Луганської народної республіки був застерений активіст луганського Євромайдану Олександр Решетняк. Бойовики ЛНР катували Решетняка, в надії отримати інформацію про місця дислокації української армії та патріотичного батальйону "Айдар
15 червня – Самопроголошений лідер бойовиків з так званої "Луганської народної республіки" Валерій Болотов визнав, що його поплічники збили літак з 49 солдатами на борту.
15 червня – Порожній Крим Путін насильно заполоняє держслужбовцями РФ – в цьому році провести свою літню відпустку в Криму. При цьому оплачувати їхнє перебування на курортах зобов'язані підприємства чи профспілки.
15 червня – Другий день триває протест українців біля посольства Росії в Києві. Ситуація біля дипломатичного представництва нормалізувалася. Кияни приходять до посольства і приносять похороні вінки з написом "Володимиру Путіну". Західні країни заблокували в РБ ООН запропоновану Росією заяву із засудженням пікетування російського посольства в Києві.
Постскриптум: Будь ласка, розповсюдьте цю інформацію якомога ширше.
We exspress our sincere gratitude to the International Renaissance Foundation that supported this publication.
Висловлюємо вдячність Міжнародному фонду "Відродження" за підтримку цієї ініціативи.
Блог автора – матеріал, який відображає винятково точку зору автора. Текст блогу не претендує на об'єктивність та всебічність висвітлення теми, яка у ньому піднімається. Редакція "Української правди" не відповідає за достовірність та тлумачення наведеної інформації і виконує винятково роль носія. Точка зору редакції УП може не збігатися з точкою зору автора блогу.