27 червня 2014, 12:54

This is Ukraine today – June 26. C'est l'Ukraine d'aujourd'hui – Le 26 juin. Dies ist die Ukraine heute – 26. Juni:

This is Ukraine today:

C'est l'Ukraine d'aujourd'hui:

Dies ist die Ukraine heute:

To jest Ukraina dzisiaj:

Esta es la actual Ucrania:

Questo è l'Ucraina di oggi:

Esta é hoje a Ucrânia:

Ukrajina je danas:

Это Украина сегодня:

Це Україна сьогодні:

Більше інформації різними мовами тут і тут

"Your Dreams Are Not Negotiable"

No matter how awful life can sometimes be, this video will remind you of the resilience of the human spirit. Watch and share with those you feel will need it. (Inspired by recent events in Ukraine)

U.S., UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa

Maidan Community Sector, Lviv: Dear friends!

By annexing Crimea, Russia has carried out an act of aggression against Ukraine. Currently Russia is transferring terrorist and sabotage groups to Eastern Ukraine. Russia aims to prevent legitimate presidential elections from happening. Everyday life in Eastern Ukraine has turned into a continuous nightmare in the middle of Europe. Our country is being destroyed right before our eyes. We therefore take the courage to inform you about current events in Ukraine. This is just another point of view. We will do our best to remain objective.

June 26 – The leaders of People's Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk (Bolotov, Karyakin, Tsaryov, Gubaryev, Pushylin and Boroday) have founded a Union of People's Republics. Former member of Ukrainian parliament Oleg Tsaryov who is well known for his pro-Russian views and who is wanted by the Prosecutor General, has been declared as the formal leader of this Union of terrorist organizations – People's Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk.

June 26 – Consultations of a Trilateral contact group Ukraine-Russia-OSCE will be held on Friday, June 27th. Location of the consultations is yet unknown, informed one of the participants and the second President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma.

June 26 – Some of the terrorists are ready to give up arms however the leaders of the terrorist groups are suppressing these attempts by shooting down their accomplices on the spot, stated the Advisor to the Interior Minister Zoryan Shkiryak.

June 26 – The decision on whether to introduce new sanctions against the Russian Federation will be made at the EU summit on June 27th, after the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko speaks to the EU Council about the situation in Ukraine.

June 26 – Establishing good relations between Ukraine and Crimea is impossible until Crimea once again becomes part of Ukraine, said the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko while speaking at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) meeting in Strasbourg. Ukraine intends to begin negotiations with Russia over the Crimea, stated the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin.

June 26 – On Thursday evening, the terrorists belonging to the group named "Kalmius", have started an attack on a military unit 3004 of the National Guards of Ukraine, which is stationed in Donetsk.

Ten Myths Used to Justify Russian Policy in the Ukraine Crisis

Alexander J. Motyl

A day with Ukraine's volunteer fighters

The emergence of interethnic Ukrainian patriots bodes well for the country's political future

Turmoil in eastern Ukraine has continued despite Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's offer of a cease-fire to pro-Russian rebels, with both sides accusing each other of violating it. At least 11 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed since the June 23 cease-fire. Perhaps alarmed by the prospect of punitive sanctions by the United States and the European Union, on June 25 the Russian parliament at the request of President Vladimir Putin rescinded the March 1 resolution that authorized him to intervene militarily in defense of Russian speakers in Ukraine and other non-Russian states.

Putin's actions may also have been motivated by the Ukrainian armed forces' successful counterattacks. After several early setbacks, Ukraine's counterterrorism operations in recent weeks have squeezed the insurgents into an area of about one-third of the Donbas region and regained control of much of the border with Russia. Self-defense units comprising volunteers from the region, who have thrown in their lot with Ukraine in the ongoing struggle against pro-Russian rebels, have been instrumental in that offensive. The volunteers come from diverse religious and ethnic backgrounds (including Ukrainians, Russians, Jews and many others), possess a sincere commitment to a democratic, pro-Western Ukraine and share a remarkable interethnic Ukrainian patriotism. One such unit is the Donbas Battalion.

Last week I had the opportunity to visit the battalion's training camp outside Kiev as part of a small group of opinion-makers and experts on a three-day study tour sponsored by the NATO Information and Documentation Center in Kiev. The visit brought home several points. First, Ukrainians are determined to fight and retain their sovereignty. Second, residents of the Donbas, generally considered indifferent to Ukraine, can be as patriotic as western Ukrainians. Third, the interethnic patriotic sentiments suggest that Ukraine is witnessing the emergence of an all-inclusive polity. These developments bode well for Ukraine's future and portend a sad end for Putin's imperialist adventures in the mineral-rich eastern region.

'Glory to Ukraine'

The camp was located about 12 miles north of Ukraine's capital, on the grounds of a National Guard base, about a mile south of former President Viktor Yanukovych's lavish estate, now a popular museum that serves as a reminder of the vast scale of his regime's corruption, venality and bad taste.

Guards met us at the gate and provided us with passes. They asked that we refrain from photographing the soldiers: They would not be wearing masks, we were told, and a carelessly taken photo could jeopardize the safety of their families, who remained in the Donbas. Our guide, a Russian-speaking adviser to Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, took us past Ukrainian-language billboards and several training grounds. We reached a dusty clearing amid a pine forest where the battalion was assembled. Several hundred men, ranging in age from their early 20s to mid-50s, stood at ease, wearing combat boots and various military fatigues. They watched us gather around their legendary commander, an ethnic Russian businessman turned guerrilla fighter from Donetsk known by his nom de guerre, Semyon Semenchenko. I had seen photographs of him before, but he was always wearing a balaclava mask. This time his face was fully exposed, and, expecting a formidable fighter, I was struck by his regular-guy appearance.

Avakov's adviser said 800 people had volunteered for the battalion a few weeks ago. But only 462 (including fewer than 20 women) had passed muster and been accepted into the unit. They were now being trained and would shortly return to the Donbas to fight pro-Russian militants. Avakov's adviser then turned to the soldiers, thanked them for their patriotism and sacrifice – all in Russian – and assured them that, once the "terrorists" were defeated, they would all have jobs in the reconstituted and reformed Ministry of Internal Affairs.

A commander shouted, "Slava Ukraini!" ("Glory to Ukraine!"), and the soldiers responded with a thunderous "Heroyam slava!" ("Glory to the heroes!"). These greetings were employed by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, the anti-Soviet nationalist underground (largely confined to Ukraine's western provinces), during and after World War II. They were also widely used by the Euro-Maidan demonstrators during the protests that climaxed in February and have now become part of everyday discourse throughout the country.

We were encouraged to go and speak to the soldiers. I approached a unit of 20 to 30 men and talked to them for about 15 minutes. When I switched from Ukrainian to Russian, several assured me that they understood both languages. "We speak Ukrainian, too," said one of the soldiers. "Why doesn't the West do more to help Ukraine?" some of them asked. "Doesn't Europe understand that Putin is a threat to the world? Don't the Europeans care about Putin's assault on democracy in Ukraine?"

I told them that Europeans cared more about cheap energy from Russia. "But," I continued, "at least the Americans understand what your struggle represents." If that's so, several responded, why doesn't Washington provide them with real weapons? "We don't need American soldiers here," said one of them. "We can fight. We will fight. We need equipment. We need guns."

Another soldier, this time a Ukrainian speaker, continued, "Tell Obama we need M-4 and M-5 rifles."

As our group walked over grassy fields, I asked the soldier next to me where he was from. Fox, a pseudonym, was an ethnic Russian from the city of Mariupol on the Sea of Azov, liberated from rebel control earlier this month.

"Back in 1991," he told me in Russian, "independence just fell on us, and no one understood what it meant. It was only after Russia started a war against Ukraine that I realized that this is my country – that I love it. The same happened to the other guys."

Fox's wife and daughter are still in Mariupol. "You know," he said, "I raised my daughter as a Ukrainian. This is where you live, I told her, this is your home." He paused. "When she asked me one day just why it's dangerous for her to go outside in an embroidered Ukrainian blouse, I decided to join the battalion."

"So this is a national liberation struggle for you and the others?" I asked.

"Da," he replied. "We are all Ukrainian citizens, and this is our homeland. We're not fascists, as the Russians say. We are fighting for our homeland. We're Russians, Ukrainians, Greeks, Jews and many others."

It occurred to me that I was in the presence of something Ukraine had never had: a Ukrainian nation whose identity and allegiance were based not on ethnicity but on patriotism. A little later I saw a soldier in a skullcap leading Ukrainians and Russians in a training exercise.

"We all agreed on a dry law," Fox told me about his troops' exemplary discipline, "and everyone knows that drinking will be punished severely."

As we entered his tent, I saw more than a dozen soldiers lounging about on their cots, their Kalashnikovs at their sides. Fox introduced me as a professor from New York, but not one with two f's, jokingly alluding to Yanukovych's inability to spell "professor" correctly.

Fox then pointed to a soldier on his left: "This one is a Ukrainian Bandera" (a reference to the controversial leader of the interwar nationalist movement, Stepan Bandera). "And I'm a Russian Bandera, and that one is a Jewish Bandera." He explicitly used the term "zhidobandera" in reference to his Jewish comrade, the preferred self-designation of the Jewish Ukrainian oligarch and Dnipropetrovsk province governor, Igor Kolomoisky.

"We're not fascists," the Jewish Bandera said. "We fight fascism."

As we parted ways, Fox gave me a child's crayon drawing of their camp, with "Heroyam slava!" emblazoned along the top. Another soldier, who looked like a teenager, gave me a moving Russian-language poem about the vigilance of the Donbas Battalion. A third soldier – a Russian speaker – handed me a black-and-red Ukrainian nationalist flag with a caricature of Putin sporting black hair and a small square mustache, which read "Putler Kaput."

What does one say to volunteer soldiers who will soon be deployed to eastern Ukraine and could be killed in a few days? I was tongue-tied, moved and confused. But I was certain of one thing: Putin's mercenaries would stand no chance against people who are defending their families, their homes and their newfound country.

Alexander J. Motyl is a professor of political science at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey.


P.S.: Please spread this appeal as much as possible.

France, Belgique, Canada, Suisse

Le Secteur du peuple, Lviv: Chers collègues!

La Russie a commis un acte d'agression contre l'Ukraine et a annexé la Crimée. Depuis quelques semaines, la Russie met en place des groupes terroristes et des saboteurs dans les régions orientales de l'Ukraine. Son but – perturber les élections présidentielles légitimes. Actuellement la vie des habitants dans ces regions situées en plein milieu de l'Europe s'est transformée en un cauchemar continuel. On est en train de détruire notre pays devant nos propres yeux. Par conséquent, nous prenons notre courage à deux mains pour continuer à vous tenir aux courant des événements en Ukraine. C'est un point de vue parmi d'autres. Nous essayerons de rester objectifs.

Le 26 juin – Les chefs de la "République populaire de Louhansk" et de la "République populaire de Donetsk" (Bolotov, Karyakin, Tsariov, Goubariev, Poushylin et Boroday) ont créé "l'Union des Républiques populaires". Cette union d'organisations terroristes est dirigée par Oleh Tsariov, ancien député de la Verkhovna Rada de l'Ukraine (parlement ukrainien), qui est recherché par le gouvernement ukrainien et qui est connu pour ses sentiments pro-russes.

Le 26 juin – "Les consultations tripartites du Groupe de contact – Ukraine, Russie et l'OSCE – se tiendront le vendredi 27 Juin. Le lieu des négotiations reste inconnu." déclare un des membres du groupe, le deuxième président de l'Ukraine, Léonid Koutchma.

Le 26 juin – "Plusieurs terroristes russes sont prêts à déposer les armes, mais les dirigeants des groupes terroristes condamnent sévèrement ces tentatives et abattent leurs sbires sur place." – déclaration du conseiller auprès du ministre de l'Intérieur, Zorian Shkiryak

Le 26 juin – La décision sur la faisabilité d'une imposition de nouvelles sanctions contre la Russie sera prise lors du sommet de l'UE le 27 juin, après que le président de l'Ukraine, Petro Porochenko informe le Conseil de l'UE sur la situation en Ukraine.

Le 26 juin – "Il n'est pas possible d'établir de bonnes relations entre l'Ukraine et la Crimée sans le retour de la Crimée." a déclaré le président de l'Ukraine, Petro Porochenko lors d'une réunion de l'Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe (APCE) à Strasbourg.

"L'Ukraine entend entamer des négociations avec la Russie sur la Crimée." déclare le ministre des Affaires étrangères de l'Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkine.

Le 26 juin – Le jeudi soir, des terroristes du groupe "Kalmius" ont commencé à former l'unité militaire 3004 de la Garde nationale ukrainienne qui sera déployée à Donetsk.

P.S.: Faîtes circuler cet appel, SVP!

Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz

Bürgercenter von Maidan, Lemberg

Liebe Kolleginen, liebe Kollegen;

Russland hat einen Akt der Agression gegenüber der Ukraine begangen, indem es die Krim annektierte. Nun hat es terroristische Saboteurgruppen in die Ostukraine eingeschleust. Das Ziel ist, die legale Präsidentschaftswahlen in der Ukraine zu verhindern. Deswegen wird das Leben im Osten der Ukraine zum Albtraum inmitten von Europa gemacht. Vor unseren Augen wird das Land zerstört. Daher nehmen wir unser Mut zusammen, um Sie über die Ereignisse in der Ukraine zu informieren. Das ist nur ein Standpunkt, obwohl wir versuchen, objektiv zu sein.

26. Juni – Die Anführer der "Volksrepublik Luhansk" und der "Volksrepublik Donezk" (Bolotow, Kariakin, Zarev, Gubarev, Puschilin und Borodaj) erklärten die Gründung einer "Union der Volksrepubliken". Der Union der Terrororganisationen "Volksrepublik Luhansk" und der "Volksrepublik Donezk" soll nun der zur Fahndung ausgeschriebene ehemalige Abgeordnete der Werchowna Rada Oleh Zarev anführen, dessen prorussische Ansichten weit bekannt sind.

26. Juni – Eine weitere Beratungsrunde der trilateralen Kontaktgruppe Ukraine-Russland-OSZE findet an diesem Freitag statt. Der Ort ist noch nicht bekannt, sagte Mitglied der Kontaktgruppe, der zweite Präsident der Ukraine Leonid Kutschma.

26. Juni – Ein Teil russischer Terroristen sei bereit, die Waffen niederzulegen. Die Anführer der Terrorgruppen bekämpften diese Versuche jedoch brutal, indem sie ihre Komplizen an Ort und Stelle erschößen, teilte der Berater des Innenministers Sorian Schkiriak mit.

26. Juni – Die Entscheidung über die Einführung weiterer Sanktionen gegen Russland soll beim EU-Gipfel am 27. Juni, nachdem der ukrainischen Präsident Petro Poroschenko den EU-Rat über die Lage in der Ukraine informiert hat, fallen.

26. Juni – Normalisierung der Beziehungen zwischen der Ukraine und Russland sind ohne die Rückgabe der Krim nicht möglich, erklärte ukrainischer Präsident Petro Poroschenko in seinem Auftritt im der Sitzung der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarates (PACE) in Straßburg. Die Ukraine beabsichtige, Verhandlungen über die Krim mit Russland aufzunehmen, erklärte der Außenminister Pawlo Klimkin.

26. Juni – Mitglieder der Terrorgruppe "Kalmius" starteten am Donnerstagabend einen Erstürmungsversuch des Standorts Nr. 3004 der Nationalgarde in Donezk.

Zehn Mythen der Rechtfertigung russischer Politik in der Ukraine-Krise

PS: Bitte, wie weit verbreitet diese Informationen wie möglich.


Ludowy sektor Majdan, Lwów: Szanowni Państwo!

Rosja dokonała aktu agresji przeciw Ukrainie, anektując Krym. Teraz Rosja wprowadziła grupy terrorystyczno-dywersyjne na Wschodnią Ukrainę. Cel jej działań- zapobiec legalnym wyborom prezydenckim na Ukrainie. Dlatego dziś życie mieszkańców Wschodniej Ukrainy pozostaje ciągłym horrendum w środku Europy. Na naszych oczach niszczą nasz kraj. Dlatego bierzemy na siebie odwagę informować państwa o wydarzeniach na Ukrainie. To jest jeszcze jeden punkt widzenia. My postaramy się być uczciwymi.

26 czerwca – Przywódcy organizacji terrorystycznych "ŁRL" i "DRL" (Bołotow, Kariakin, Cariow, Gubariew, Puszylin i Borodaj) utworzyli Związek republik ludowych. Przywódcą tego ZRL'u został poszukiwany przez ukraiński wymiar sprawiedliwości za zdradę stanu były deputowany Rady Najwyższej Ukrainy Oleg Cariow, znany rzecznik prorosyjskiego irredentyzmu.

26 czerwca – Trójstronna grupa kontaktowa Ukraina – Rosja – OBWE spotka się dla konsultacji w piątek 27 czerwca br. Niemniej miejsce spotkania teraz jest nieznane, oświadczył członek grupy, drugi prezydent Ukrainy Leonid Kuczma, występujący w imieniu Ukrainy.

26 czerwca – Część rosyjskich terrorystów są skłonni złożyć broń, ale przywódcy grup terrorystycznych ostro pacyfikują te próby, w tym rozstrzeliwując na miejscu chętnych do poddania się, poinformował z powołaniem na własne źródła doradca ministra spraw wewnętrznych Zorian Szkiriak.

26 czerwca – decyzja w sprawie możliwości wprowadzenia nowych sankcji wobec Rosji zostanie podjęta na szczycie UE w dniu 27 czerwca, po tym, jak prezydent Ukrainy Petro Poroszenko poinformuje Radę UE o sytuacji na Ukrainie.

26 czerwca – Nawiązanie dobrych stosunków między Ukrainą i Rosją nie jest możliwe bez powrotu Krymu do państwa ukraińskiego, oświadczył prezydent Ukrainy Petro Poroszenko na posiedzeniu Zgromadzenia Parlamentarnego Rady Europy (ZPRE) w Strasburgu. Ukraina zamierza rozpocząć negocjacje z Rosją w sprawie Krymu, oświadczył minister spraw zagranicznych Ukrainy Pawło Klimkin.

26 czerwca – Rosyjscy terroryści z gangu "Kalmius" w czwartek wieczorem rozpoczęli atak na jednostkę wojskową 3004 Gwardii Narodowej Ukrainy, stacjonującej w Doniecku.

Postscriptum: Proszę rozprzestrzeniać tę informację jak najszerzej.

Italia, Svizzera, Vaticano

Settore pubblico di Maidan, L'viv: Gentili colleghi!

La Russia, annettendo la Crimea, ha effettuato un atto di aggressione nei confronti dell'Ucraina. Ora essa ha introdotto gruppi terroristici e sovversivi in Ucraina orientale. Il suo fine è quello di vietare che le elezioni presidenziali legittime abbiano luogo. In questo modo la vita in Ucraina orientale si è trasformata in un incubo nel cuore dell'Europa. Davanti ai nostri occhi viene distrutto il nostro Paese. Per questo, ci prendiamo la responsabilità di informarvi riguardo agli eventi in Ucraina. Si tratta di un altro punto di vista. Cercheremo di essere obiettivi.

26 giugno – I leader della Repubblica Popolare di Luhans'k e quelli di Donets'k (Bolotov, Kariakin, Tsariov, Gubarev, Pushylin e Boroday) hanno creato l'Unione delle Repubbliche Popolari. Tale unione di organizzazioni terroristiche è presieduta dal ricercato ex deputato del Parlamento ucraino Oleh Tsariov, noto per i suoi sentimenti filorussi.

26 giugno – Le consultazioni tripartite fra Ucraina, Russia ed OSCE si terranno venerdì 27 giugno. Tuttavia, il luogo dove queste consultazioni si svolgeranno è per ora sconosciuto, – ha detto il membro di questo gruppo, il secondo presidente dell'Ucraina Leonid Kuchma.

26 giugno – Parte dei terroristi russi è disposta ad arrendersi, ma i leader di questi gruppi terroristici reprimono severamente tentativi di questo genere, fucilando sul posto i loro compagni, – ha detto il consigliere del ministro degli Interni Zorian Shkiriak.

26 giugno – La decisione riguardante l'opportunità di introduzione di nuove sanzioni nei confronti della Russia verrà presa al vertice dell'UE del 27 giugno, dopo che il presidente dell'Ucraina Petro Poroshenko avrà informato il Consiglio dell'UE della situazione in Ucraina.

26 giugno – È impossibile che fra l'Ucraina e la Crimea si stabiliscano delle buone relazioni, finché la Crimea resta staccata dall'Ucraina, – ha detto Poroshenko nel corso di una riunione dell'Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d'Europa a Strasburgo. L'Ucraina avvierà dei negoziati con la Russia riguardo alla Crimea, – ha comunicato il ministro degli Affari Esteri dell'Ucraina Pavlo Klimkin.

26 giugno – I terroristi del gruppo "Kalmius" hanno attaccato l'unità militare 3004 della Guardia nazionale dell'Ucraina che si trova a Donets'k.

Post scriptum: Si prega di diffondere queste informazioni il più ampiamente possibile.


Građanski sektor Majdana, Lavov: Poštovane koleginice i kolege!

Rusija je izvršila akt agresije prema Ukrajini anektiravši Krim. Sada je uvela terorističko-diverzantske grupe u Istočnu Ukrajinu. Cilj je da se spreče legalni izbori predsednika. Zato je sad život u Istočnoj Ukrajini pretvoren u totalni užas u centru Evrope. Na naše oči uništava se naša zemlja. Zato se usuđujemo da vas informišemo o događajima u Ukrajini. Ovo je još jedna tačka gledišta. Trudićemo se da budemo objektivni.

26. jun. – Rukovodioci "LNR" I "DNR" (Bolotov, Karjakin, Carjov, Gubarev, Pušilin i Borodaj) stvorili su Savez narodnih republika. Na čelu ovog Saveza terorističkih organizacija "LNR" i "DNR" našao se bivši poslanik Vrhovne Rade Ukrajine Oleg Carjov, poznat po svojim proruskim raspoloženjima, za kojim je raspisana poternica.

26. jun. – Konsultacije trostrane kontakt-grupe Ukrajina-RF-OEBS održaće se u petak, 27. juna. Ali, mesto njihovog održavanja za sada nije poznato, − učesnik ove grupe, drugi predsednik Ukrajine Leonid Kučma.

26. jun. – Deo ruskih terorista spreman je da ostavi oružje, ali rukovodioci terorističkih grupa žestoko guše ove pokušaje, streljajući svoje borce na licu mesta, – savetnik ministra unutrašnjih poslova Zorjan Škirjak.

26. jun. – Odluka o svrsishodnosti uvođenja novih sankcija protiv RF biće doneta na samitu EU 27. juna nakon što će Predsednik Ukrajine Petro Porošenko informisati Savet EU o situaciji u Ukrajini.

26. jun. – Uspostavljanje normalnih odnosa između Ukrajine i Krima nije moguće bez povratka Krima, izjavio je predsednik Ukrajine Petro Porošenko, nastupajući na sednici Parlamentarne Skupštine Saveta Evrope u Strazburu. Ukrajina ima nameru da otpočne pregovore sa Rusijom po pitanju Krima, − ministar inostranih poslova Ukrajine Pavlo Klimkin.

26. jun. – Teroristi iz grupe "Kalmijus" u četvrtak uveče počeli su juriš na vojnu jedinicu 3004 Narodne garde Ukrajine koja se dislocira u Donjecku.

Пс.: Молимо вас да шире ову информацију што је шире могуће.


Общественный сектор Майдана, Львов, информирует: Уважаемые коллеги!

Россия осуществила акт агрессии в отношении Украины, аннексировав Крым. Сейчас она ввела террористически диверсионные группы в Восточную Украину. Цель – не допустить легальных выборов президента. Поэтому сегодня жизнь Восточной Украины превращена в сплошной кошмар в середине Европы. На наших глазах уничтожается наша страна. Поэтому мы берем на себя смелость информировать вас о событиях в Украине. Это еще одна точка зрения. Мы постараемся быть объективными.

26 июня – Руководители "ЛНР" и "ДНР" (Болотов, Карякин, Царев, Губарев, Пушилин и Бородай) создали Союз народных республик. Этот Союз террористических организаций "ЛНР" и "ДНР" возглавил объявленый в розыск бывший депутат Верховной рады Украины Олег Царев, который известен своими пророссийскими настроениями.

26 июня – Консультации трехстороннего контактной группы Украина-РФ-ОБСЕ состоятся в пятницу, 27 июня. Однако их место проведения пока неизвестно – участник этой группы, второй президент Украины Леонид Кучма.

26 июня – Часть русских террористов готовы сложить оружие, однако руководители террористических групп жестко подавляют эти попытки, расстреливая своих приспешников на месте – советник министра внутренних дел Зорян Шкиряк

26 июня – Решение о целесообразности введения новых санкций против РФ будет принято на саммите ЕС 27 июня после того, как Президент Украины Петро Порошенко проинформирует Совет ЕС о ситуации в Украине.

26 июня – Настройки нормальных отношений между Украиной и Крымом невозможно без возвращения Крыма заявил президент Украины Петро Порошенко, выступая на заседании Парламентской Ассамблеи Совета Европы (ПАСЕ) в Страсбурге. Украина намерена начать переговоры с Россией по Крыму – министр иностранных дел Украины Павло Климкин.

26 июня – Террористы, с группировкой "Кальмиус", в четверг вечером начали штурм военной части 3004 Национальной гвардии Украины, которая дислоцируется в Донецке.

Постскриптум: Пожалуйста, распространите эту информацию как можно шире.


Громадський сектор Майдану, Львів, інформує: Шановні колеги!

Росія здійснила акт агресії щодо України, анексувавши Крим. Зараз вона ввела терористично-диверсійні групи у Східну Україну. Мета – не допустити легальних виборів президента. Тому сьогодні життя Східної України перетворене на суцільний жах в середині Європи. На наших очах знищується наша країна. Тому ми беремо на себе відвагу інформувати вас про події в Україні. Це ще одна точка зору. Ми постараємося бути об'єктивними.

26 червня – Керівники "ЛНР" і "ДНР" (Болотов, Карякін, Царьов, Губарєв, Пушилін і Бородай) створили Союз народних республік. Цей Союз терористичних організацій "ЛНР" і "ДНР" очолив оголошений в розшук колишній депутат Верховної ради України Олег Царьов, який відомий своїми проросійськими настроями.

26 червня – Консультації тристоронньої контактної групи Україна-РФ-ОБСЄ відбудуться в п'ятницю, 27 червня. Однак їхнє місце проведення наразі невідоме – учасник цієї групи, другий президент України Леонід Кучма.

26 червня – Частина російських терористів готові скласти зброю, однак керівники терористичних груп жорстко придушують ці спроби, розстрілюючи своїх поплічників на місці – радник міністра внутрішніх справ Зорян Шкіряк

26 червня – Рішення про доцільність введення нових санкцій проти РФ буде прийняте на саміті ЄС 27 червня після того, як Президент України Петро Порошенко проінформує Раду ЄС про ситуацію в Україні.

26 червня – Налагодження нормальних відносин між Україною і Кримом не можливе без повернення Криму заявив президент України Петро Порошенко, виступаючи на засіданні Парламентської Асамблеї Ради Європи (ПАРЄ) у Страсбурзі. Україна має намір розпочати переговори з Росією щодо Криму – міністр закордонних справ України Павло Клімкін.

26 червня – Терористи, з угрупуванням "Кальміус", у четвер ввечері розпочали військову частину 3004 Національної гвардії України, що дислокується в Донецьку.

Постскриптум: Будь ласка, розповсюдьте цю інформацію якомога ширше.

We exspress our sincere gratitude to the International Renaissance Foundation that supported this publication.

Висловлюємо вдячність Міжнародному фонду "Відродження" за підтримку цієї ініціативи.

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"Morituri te salutant!"

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