5 червня 2022, 00:41

100 day. Russian Roulette and Russian Reality Check?

Putin's Blitzkrieg was little more than wishful thinking.

The steadfast and resolute Ukrainian national honour and pride were consolidated by its new, untried President, who with one sentence, his Churchillian styled statement, "I want weapons not a ride" told his countrymen and the world – he would not fold or bend his knee to an aggressor. Neither he or Ukraine were afraid of Putin or Russia.

It is impossible at this time to estimate, let alone count, the cost to Ukraine. In human terms. Tens of thousands of innocent Ukrainian, men, women and children have been killed, murdered, raped, and injured, their lives lost, destroyed and changed for ever. Reported yesterday news, more than 300,00 children of Ukraine have been stolen, forcibly deported to Russia. In social and economic terms; businesses, public services, cities, towns villages, roads bridges, railways, airports all destroyed, and for what?

To satisfy Putin's thirst for power and to distract attention from his own incompetence and lies to his people. For a man of alleged incredible mental ability, his miscalculation and expectation that his Blitzkrieg would bring nations to heel, has been proven to be wrong. From the smallest to the largest, either individually or collectively, they have found the strength to challenge Putin, not Russia, but Putin and reject his threats.

But what of the cost to Russia?

In military terms it has been a disaster. The anticipated collapse of Ukraine under the might of a Russian blitzkrieg, was not to be. On land, in the air and at sea Ukraine demonstrated a small country of 44 million can withstand the onslaught and give a "bloody-nose" to the aggressive Russian Bear.

More than 30,000 troops killed, 10generals and admirals lost, on average 300 Russian soldiers have died every day, 4500 tanks,400 aircraft, flagship of the Black Sea fleet destroyed in fighting.

In economic terms the Russian economy is bruised if not battered. Soon its people will have to adjust and struggle with the reality of Putin's folly. Virtually overnight, its export of oil and gas to Europe, have disappeared, together with the much, needed foreign currency to prop up Putin's Russia

The nett bottom line result is wasted Billions of $ or Euros, Roubles, lost on a pointless war, bringing a global societal change that will take decades to forget and recover....but never forgive...

After 100 days of war...

· Ukrainian estimates of Russian losses, as of 3rd June 2022, since the start of the invasion to be;

o Military personnel – estimated 30,950 (PLUS +PLUS+PLUS)

o Tanks & Armoured vehicles -5027 (3381 as of 27thApril, 2022)

o Motor vehicles and Tank Trucks 2059

o Aircraft – 385- (Fixed wing-210 and Helicopters – 175)

o Artillery and Missile systems – 868

o Ships & Boats 13

o Cruise Missiles 121

Блог автора – матеріал, який відображає винятково точку зору автора. Текст блогу не претендує на об'єктивність та всебічність висвітлення теми, яка у ньому піднімається. Редакція "Української правди" не відповідає за достовірність та тлумачення наведеної інформації і виконує винятково роль носія. Точка зору редакції УП може не збігатися з точкою зору автора блогу.

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