28 серпня 2008, 16:30

Наслідки дій Росії в Грузії

Грузинський уряд узагальнив інформацію про наслідки воєєних дій Росії на території Грузії. Оприлюднюю без коментарів, а кожен трактуватиме сам. Зауважу лише, що карта використання сили Росією мене вразила (так само як і використання кластерних бомб). Одна річ, коли чуєш, інша річ – коли бачиш на карті. Це справді агресія.

Russian Invasion & Occupation of Georgia

Summary of Russia's Military Actions 1

A Summary of Damage Inflicted by Russia on the Transport, Energy, Administrative, Social & Civilian Infrastructure of Georgia, as Well as on its Natural Resources 4

Current civilian, military and journalist casualty figures, including numbers of internally displaced persons 7

Russian Attack: Summary of Bombs and Mines 8

Summary of Russia's Military Actions

Georgian territory was bombed: 42 times.

Russian Airplanes invaded Georgian airspace: 96 – observed. 158 – Supposed.

Number of bombs thrown: At least 165.

Number of cities of civilian dwelling attacks: 3

The bombardment by Russians far exceeded the conflict zone by August 10. The list of bombarded areas of Georgia is as follow:

o Village Shavshvebi – 30 km-s from the conflict zone (08.08.08);

o Village Variani – 20 km-s from the conflict zone, 75 km-s from Tbilisi (08.08.08);

o Gori – five times, 17 km-s from the conflict zone (08-10.08.08);

o Vaziani Airfield – two times, 2-3 km-s from Tbilisi (08-09.08.08);

o Marneuli – three times, 20 km-s from Tbilisi (08.08.08);

o Bolnisi – 35 km-s from Tbilisi (08.08.08);

o Senaki – 213 km-s from Tbilisi (09.08.08);

o Oni – outside conflict zone (09.08.08);

o Village Urta – 330 km-s from Tbilisi (10.08.08);

o Tbilisi Airplane Factory – Tbilisi, twice (09-10.08.08);

o Village Knolevi – near the east-west highway (10.08.08).

o Urta, of Zugdidi district (10.08.08);

o Knolevi village, of Kareli district (10.08.08);

Russian military operations in Upper Abkhazia:

o Bombing Upper Abkhazia – four times (09-10.08.08);

o Ground Attack of Upper Abkhazia (10.08.08);


Georgian MFA hands a diplomatic note about Cease-fire to Russian Embassy in Georgia on August 10, 17:30.


o Black Sea town – Anaklia, Zugdidi district (10.08.08);

o Aviation factory in Tbilisi (10.08.08);

o Villages near Batumi, Khelvachauri district, close to Turkish border (11.08.08);

o Shiraki airfield in Kakheti region (11.08.08);

o Gori, twice (11-12.08.08);

o Senaki military airport (11.08.08);

o Kodori gorge, Upper Abkhazia region (11.08.08);

o Senaki military base (11.08.08);

o Kere and Sakasheti villages, Gori district (11-13.08.08);

o Kaspi, 30 km from Tbilisi (11.08.08);

o Tkhviavi village near Tskhinvali (11.08.08);

o Vaziani military base, outskirts of Tbilisi (12.08.08);

o Orchosani village, Gori district (12.08.08);

o Sakoritno village, Kaspi district (12.08.08);

o Ruisi village, Kareli district (12.08.08);


o Zugdidi (11.08.08);

o Beloti village near Eredvi, Tskhinvali district (11.08.08);

o Shindisi, Gori district (11.08.08);

o Senaki (11.08.08);

o Gori, the only connection between East and West connection blocked by Russians (11.08.08);

o Khaishi, Svaneti region (12.08.08);

o Upper Abkhazia (12.08.08);

o Additional troops enter Gori (13 – 14.08.08);

o Atosi village, Kareli district, East of Gori (13.08.08);

o Pakhulani village, Tzalenjikha district (13.08.08);

o Additional troops enter Zugdidi twice (14.08.08);

o Mejvriskhevi village, Gori district (14.08.08);

o Ruisi and Tzveri villages, Kareli district (14.08.08);

o East deep from Senaki (14.08.08);

o Abashistzkali village, 40 km.s away from the second largest city of Georgia, Kutaisi (15.08.08);

o Igoeti (15.08.08);

Tbilisi Intrusion Threat:

o 12 August

o 15 August




Since the cease-fire agreement had been signed by the president of Georgia, in addition to all above stated areas of Georgia the Russian troops further occupied several cities outside the conflict zone in both Eastern and Western Georgia.

o Igoeti, Kaspi district, 20 km.s away from Tbilisi (15.08.08);

o Khashuri, 30 km.s west from Gori (15.08.08);

o Surami, west of Khashuri (15.08.08);

o Sachkhere parts, Western Georgia (16.08.08);

o Akhalgori, 40 km.s North-West of Tbilisi (16.08.08);

o Aditional Russian troops entered Senaki military base (17.08.08)

o South Ossetian separatist paramilitaires entered aditionaly to Akhalgori (17.08.08)

o Russian armored vehicles advanced towards Supsa oil terminal near poti (17.08.08)

o Russian Troops advanced and blocked road near Kaspi again (18.08.08)

o Russian troops advanced towards Sachkere (19.08.08)

o Russian troops entered Poti port again (19.08.08)

o Russians opened checkpoints in Poti entrance (20.08.08)

o Russians occupy village Chogha of Chkhorotsku district, Samegrelo region, in western Georgia (20.08.08)

o Russian militaries occupy villages Perevi, Sachkhere in Sachkhere district, Imereti region, western Georgia (20.08.08)

Explosions and mining of areas

o Russian troops mine roads in Svaneti Region (17.08.08)

o Russian military mine bridges in Kaspi district (17.08.08)

o Russian troops exploded barracks and other remaining military installations in Senaki military base (18.08.08)

o Russian troops exploded barracks and other military installations in Osiauri military base (23-24.08.08)

o Mine blast exploded train west of Gori (24.08.08)

o Landmine blast killed women in Gori (24.08.08)

o Landmine blast wonded man in village tirdznisi (24.08.08)



A Summary of Damage Inflicted by Russia on the Transport, Energy, Administrative, Social & Civilian Infrastructure of Georgia, as Well as on its Natural Resources

1. Transport Infrastructure

Ports: On August 9, Russian military jets bombed the Port of Poti on the Black Sea, in western Georgia. The bombs damaged Container Terminal #7, the largest and best-equipped terminal for handling containers, thus disrupting the transit of cargo into and out of Georgia. One of the two energy generators and anti- fire system of the port were damaged. Russia's bombs killed 5 workers and injured more than 15 others. The Port of Poti is the main link on the East-West transport corridor TRACECA handling cargo between Europe and Asia, as well as from Georgia's neighbors in the Caucasus-Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Poti port was bombarded for the second time on the 13th of August.

Main Railway Bridge: On August 16, Russia blew up the Grakali bridge on the central railway route, connecting the eastern and western parts of Georgia. As a result, railway connections and cargo transport- as well as the movement of humanitarian aid to civilians in the occupied territories-have been interrupted. The destruction of the bridge also has disrupted international cargo traffic between Europe and Asia. This negatively affects not only the economy of Georgia, but economies throughout the region-especially isolating Armenia. It will take at least two weeks to repair the bridge.

Blockade of Maritime International Transportation & Logistics Routes: Since August 10, Russia's Black Sea naval fleet has been blockading the territorial waters of Georgia, preventing ships carrying civilian cargo from entering the Port of Poti. This is resulting in massive commercial losses for companies and transporters, and preventing needed supplies from reaching Georgia and the region, especially Armenia.

Civilian Airports: Russia bombed Kopitnari Airport (20 km from Kutaisi, Georgia's second largest city, and a full 180 kilometers from Tskhinvali, South Ossetia) on August 9. The main runway was damaged.

Road Bridges: Russian troops mined the main road to the highly mountainous region of Svaneti (close to Abkhazia, Georgia, another conflict zone) on August 17, thus cutting off the region from the rest of Georgia and preventing goods and services from reaching its population.

Civilian Radar Stations: A civilian radar station serving the civil aviation system of Georgia, located 5 km north of downtown Tbilisi on Makhata Mountain, was bombed and destroyed by Russian jets on August 13. The safety of civilian flights over Georgian air space is thus now jeopardized.

Damage to Roads & Highways: On August 9, Russian jets bombed the bypass road of the Rikoti road tunnel, which connects the eastern and western parts of Georgia, thereby leaving the country's transport infrastructure without an alternative route. Also, several hundred kilometers of roads and highways have been damaged by the movement of heavy Russian military vehicles.

Railway: The Russian Air Force bombed the Kaspi and Senaki rail stations, located 52 and 230 km respectively from Tskhinvali, Georgia, thus destroying vital rail infrastructure.

2. Energy Infrastructure

International energy pipelines: Russia has heavily bombed the international pipeline infrastructure of Georgia. Areas adjacent to all three international pipelines-BTC, SCP, and Baku Supsa-were attacked by fighter jets on August 8 and August 12. The bombed locations were 20 km east of Tbilisi, far beyond the conflict zone. Several bombs were dropped only 5 meters from the Baku Supsa oil pipeline on August 8. Pipeline bombings continued on the following days, including August 12. Russian rockets caused an explosion on the 27th kilometer of the Baku-Supsa crude-oil pipeline near Tbilisi.

Electricity: Russian bombers damaged electricity transmission lines on August 12, leaving more than four thousand Georgians without power. Three transmission lines connecting the western and eastern parts of Georgia also have been damaged: "Kavkasioni" and "Kartli 2," located well beyond the conflict zone, and "Liakhvi," located near the conflict zone. At present, the eastern and western parts of Georgia's energy infrastructure are operating as separate systems.

3. Industrial Enterprises

Aircraft plant: An aircraft plant adjacent to Tbilisi International Airport was bombed with long-delay blasting bombs twice on August 10. The landing strip and adjacent infrastructure was destroyed.

Cement factory: A cement factory in Kaspi owned by the leading German manufacturer "Heidelberg Cement" was bombed on August 12; the factory is 30 km from Tbilisi.

Wine factory: Russian jets dropped unidentified devices on the wine factory in the village of Okami, in the Kaspi district, 52 kilometers from Tbilisi (August 16).

4. Administrative, Social & Civilian Infrastructure

Damage to Civilian Police Equipment: On August 18, Russian armored vehicles intentionally drove over and damaged several police cars in Kaspi, 52 kilometers from Tskhinvali.

Administrative buildings: Russian forces and paramilitary troops have robbed and damaged nearly all the administrative buildings they have occupied. A precise damage assessment can only be made after the Russian Army withdraws.

Sports Infrastructure: A bomb fell near Gori stadium, 30 km from Tskhinvali, on August 8.

Schools: Several schools in the occupied town of Gori were robbed and damaged (as of August 16).

Kindergarten: Russian air jets bombed a kindergarten building in Gori. The building was destroyed. (as of August).

Cemetery: Bombs hit a cemetery and fields near Batumi on August 11, at km from Tskhinvali, and 15 kilometers from the Georgian-Turkish border.

Hospital: A bomb exploded on August 12 in the backyard of the hospital in Gori (30 kilometers from Tskhinvali), killing a doctor and significantly damaging the hospital.

University: The University of Gori was hit by numerous bombs, completely destroying parts of the main building in the central square of the city (August 12)

Market: The main market in Gori was bombed on August 12.

TV Broadcasting Station: Russian troops destroyed the Gori TV broadcasting station on August 12. As a result, TV and radio broadcasting has been interrupted in Gori and surrounding areas.

Civilian Homes: In every administrative unit invaded by the Russian Army, its forces have robbed and/or burnt civilian houses. A precise assessment of damage can only be made after the Russian Army withdraws...

5. Ecological Damage

On august 15 Russian helicopters started to drop incendiary bombs on forests in Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park and it's surroundings – Tsaghveri, Daba, Kvibisi, Sadgeri, Ardagani settlement.

About 450 hectares were burnt. More than 100 fire-generating places in the remote areas of the forests. Only possibility to put down the fire is intervention through air.

Upon Georgian request Turkish fire forces have expressed readiness to send helicopters, however Russian forces did not give permission. The negotiation still continues, while the fire is expanding due to the windy weather and absence of rain.

Village Boshuri forest of Gori district was set on fire on August 20th;

Houses in village Dzevera in Gori district are set on fire on August 20th;

On August 20th, Russian aviation forces dropped fire-setting bombs in Kiketi, 10 Km from Tbilisi;

6. Means of Transportation

Cargo Ships: The cargo ship "Lotus – 1", loaded with wheat and other humanitarian aid, was prevented from entering Poti Port by Russian military forces (August 8-9).

Ambulance: An ambulance was targeted in August 12 by Russian military bombs in the village of Agara, located 60 kilometers from the conflict zone.

Civilian Cars: On every road controlled by Russian troops, dozens cars with civilians have been robbed. An accurate damage assessment can only be made once the Russian Army withdraws.

Russian Invasion & Occupation of Georgia

Current civilian, military and journalist casualty figures, including numbers of internally displaced persons

August 25, 2008

Explanatory Note

The information below is accurate to the best of our knowledge, but is subject to verification. They do not include data on South Ossetian and Russian casualties, which they government of Georgia has no way of assessing.

The numbers of dead and wounded are based exclusively on bodies received by Georgian morgues, and does not include those kept, buried, burned or otherwise disposed of within the area of Russian control.

About 160 military personnel remain unaccounted for.

The number of registered IDPs only includes those IDPs who fled to areas of Georgian control, and does not include those who fled to Russia or who are displaced within areas of Russian occupation.

Georgians wounded:

Total: 2231

Military: 1964

Civilian: 267

Discharged: 1069

Georgians killed:

Total: 216

Military: 143

Civilian: 73


Killed: 3 (1 international, 2 Georgians).

Injured: 6 (3 internationals, 3 Georgians).

Detained by Russians/Ossetes: 10 (8 internationals, 2 Georgians).

Attacked by Russians/Ossetes: 3 (2 internationals, 1 Georgian).

Robbed by Russians/Ossetes: 12 (all internationals).

Number of registered IDPs:

119, 000

Russian Invasion & Occupation of Georgia

Russian Attack: Summary of Bombs and Mines

22:00 August 25, 2008

Altogether, Georgia's sovereign territory was subjected to aerial bombardment 42 times. The areas bombed far exceeded the putative conflict zone of South Ossetia.

The bombs and missiles were delivered during up to 158 illegal incursions into Georgia's airspace, of which 96 are fully confirmed.

At least 165 bombs and missiles were used, including cluster bombs and other weapons banned by international agreements. At least three of the attacks directly targeted civilians in civilian areas.

Bombing runs before ceasefire

The list below indicates the areas bombed, the minimum number of times each was bombed, their distance from the conflict zone and/or Tbilisi, and the date (s) of the attack (s).

Shavshvebi village 1 30 km 08.08.08

Variani village 1 20 km, 75 km from Tbilisi 08.08.08

Gori 5 17 km 08-10.08.08

Vaziani Airfield 2 2-3 km from Tbilisi 08-09.08.08

Marneuli 3 20 km from Tbilisi 08.08.08

Bolnisi 1 35 km from Tbilisi 08.08.08

Senaki 1 213 km from Tbilisi 09.08.08

Oni 1 09.08.08

Village Urta 1 330 km from Tbilisi 10.08.08

Tbilisi Airplane Factory 2 Tbilisi 09-10.08.08

Knolevi (Kareli district) 1 10.08.08

Urta (Zugdidi district) 1 10.08.08

In Upper Abkhazia, the Russian air force bombed villages and positions at least 4 times. The gorge was invaded by airborne Abkhaz and Russian troops on 10 August.

Bombing runs after Georgian ceasefire offer

At 17:30 on 10 August, the Georgian Foreign Ministry hands a diplomatic note offering an immediate Georgian ceasefire to the Russian Embassy. The Russian Air Force continues its attacks for three more days.

Anaklia (Zugdidi district) 10.08.08

Settlements near Batumi (Khelvachauri district), close to Turkish border 11.08.08

Shiraki airfield (Kakheti region) 11.08.08

Gori, twice 11-12.08.08

Senaki military airport 11.08.08

Kodori gorge, Upper Abkhazia 11.08.08

Senaki military base 11.08.08

Kere and Sakasheti (Gori district) 11-13.08.08

Kaspi (30 km from Tbilisi) 11.08.08

Tkhviavi (near Tskhinvali) 11.08.08

Vaziani military base (on the outskirts of Tbilisi) 12.08.08

Orchosani (Gori district) 12.08.08

Sakoritno (Kaspi district) 12.08.08

Ruisi village (Kareli district) 12.08.08

Occupation of Georgian towns and villages

Zugdidi (11.08.08);

Beloti village near Eredvi, Tskhinvali district (11.08.08);

Shindisi, Gori district (11.08.08);

Senaki (11.08.08);

Gori, the only connection between East and West connection blocked by Russians (11.08.08);

Khaishi, Svaneti region (12.08.08);

Upper Abkhazia (12.08.08);

Additional troops enter Gori (13 – 14.08.08);

Atosi village, Kareli district, East of Gori (13.08.08);

Pakhulani village, Tzalenjikha district (13.08.08);

Additional troops enter Zugdidi twice (14.08.08);

Mejvriskhevi village, Gori district (14.08.08);

Ruisi and Tzveri villages, Kareli district (14.08.08);

East deep from Senaki (14.08.08);

Abashistzkali village, 40 km.s away from the second largest city of Georgia, Kutaisi (15.08.08);

Igoeti (15.08.08);

Tbilisi Intrusion Threat:

12 August

15 August

Occupation of Georgian towns and villages after French-mediated ceasefire

Following the signature of the ceasefire agreement by all parties (Georgia, France and Russia), the Russian offensive should have ceased and a pullback to positions held before August 7th engaged. Instead, Russia deepened its occupation of Georgia, entering and occupying towns and villages far away from the conflict zones.

Igoeti, Kaspi district, 40 km.s away from Tbilisi (15.08.08);

Khashuri, 30 km.s west from Gori (15.08.08);

Surami, west of Khashuri (15.08.08);

Sachkhere parts, Western Georgia (16.08.08);

Akhalgori, 40 km.s North-West of Tbilisi (16.08.08);

Aditional Russian troops entered Senaki military base (17.08.08)

South Ossetian separatist paramilitaries entered additionally to Akhalgori (17.08.08)

Russian armored vehicles advanced towards Supsa oil terminal near Poti (17.08.08)

Russian Troops advanced and blocked road near Kaspi again (18.08.08)

Russian troops advanced towards Sachkere (19.08.08)

Russian troops entered Poti port again (19.08.08)

Russians opened checkpoints in Poti entrance (20.08.08)

Russians occupy village Chogha of Chkhorotsku district, Samegrelo region, in western Georgia (20.08.08)

Russian militaries occupy villages Perevi, Sachkhere in Sachkhere district, Imereti region, western Georgia (20.08.08)


Roads in the Svaneti Region were mined on 17.08.08. Road bridges on the old Gori road south of Kaspi were mined on the same date.

Russian troops used explosive devices to destroy military installations in the Senaki base on 18.08.08 and the Osiauri base on 23 and 24 August.

A landmine blew up a crude oil train 5 km west of Gori on 24 August. Other mines and buried artillery shells were subsequently found at other spots of the tracks.

Landmines and bomblets left by the departing Russian army are targeting civilans. A blast killed a woman in Gori on 24 August and injured a man in Tirdznisi on the same date.

Mines of the "frog" type have been found in civilian gardens and orchards in Gori. These are antipersonnel mines that, when stepped upon, jump into the air and explode at chest or head height.

Cluster bombs

The use of cluster bombs against civilian targets has been confirmed by Human Rights Watch. Cluster bombs explode at altitude in order to scatter bomblets over a wide area. Most bomblets explode on impact. The effect of hundreds of bomblets exploding at the same time is to saturate the targeted area with high-speed shrapnel, killing everything alive. Because the bomblets can be scattered over a wide area, these are among the most destructive antipersonnel conventional weapons.

Bomblets that fail to explode on impact become landmines.

The exceptionally destructive power of these weapons has led them to be banned by 107 countries, including all of the European Union.

Russian Invasion & Occupation of Georgia

Summary of Georgia's humanitarian needs, including assessment of IDPs/refugees

As of August 24, 2008

The information below is accurate to the best of our knowledge,

but is subject to verification.

Number of registered IDPs: 118, 583


Total: 2231

Militaries: 1964

Civilians: 267

Ambulatory curing: 1069


Total: 216

Militaries: 143

Civilians: 73

Ecological Dimension

On august 15 Russian helicopters started to drop incendiary bombs on forests in Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park and it's surroundings – Tsaghveri, Daba, Kvibisi, Sadgeri, Ardagani settlement.

On august 16 fire was set in Kaspi district and Surami, Khashuri district.

On August 20 fire was set in Gori district (village Djevera) and Kiketi, 10 kms from Tbilisi.

Approximately 400 hectares were burnt. Approximately 300 hectares was burnt in the national park.

Unprotected journalists

Number of journalists killed: 3 – among them 1 – international journalists, 2 – locals.

Number of journalists injured/wounded: 6 – among them 3 internationals, 3 – locals.

Number of journalists detained: 10 -among them 8 international and 2 local journalists.

Number of journalists beaten/attacked: 3 – among them 2 international and 1 local.

Number of journalists robbed: 12 international journalists.

Блог автора – матеріал, який відображає винятково точку зору автора. Текст блогу не претендує на об'єктивність та всебічність висвітлення теми, яка у ньому піднімається. Редакція "Української правди" не відповідає за достовірність та тлумачення наведеної інформації і виконує винятково роль носія. Точка зору редакції УП може не збігатися з точкою зору автора блогу.

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