"Симон Петлюра і євреї"
Вартість книги – 24 дол. (з доставкою). По-моєму, недорого для депутатів-комуністів і регіоналів, відомих своєю боротьбою з українським націоналізмом. Ой, забув, вони ж англійською не читають. То може спонсорують переклад і видання книги в Україні?
Taras Hunczak. Symon Petliura and the Jews: A Reappraisal. Updated and Revised Edition. Editor Lubomyr Wynar. Ukrainian Historical Association, Lviv – New York – Toronto, 2008, 128 pp. Hard cover, price including shipping $24.00 (USD)
The Ukrainian Historical Association has just released a new edition of Professor Taras Hunczak's book, */Symon Petliura and the Jews: A Reappraisal,/*/ /originally published in l985 in the UHA series, /Ukrainian Jewish Studies/. This updated and substantially revised publication now contains an "Addendum" in which the author discusses recent studies on Ukrainian-Jewish relations, additional documents found in the archives of the former Soviet Union and hitherto inaccessible that expand the source base of the first edition, and an updated bibliography,
The release of this new edition is very timely, especially in view of the continued interest in Ukrainian-Jewish relations as well as the present reevaluation in Ukraine of the historical activity of Symon Petliura as a politician, statesman, Supreme Commander of the UNR Army, and the President of the Dyrektoria of the Ukrainian National Republic. Based on historical sources, Professor Hunczak presents a clear picture of Ukrainian-Jewish relations during the short existence of the UNR and vindicates Petliura's reputation from the charges of his personal involvement in anti-Jewish pogroms in Ukraine. The new documents added to this edition further demonstrate that Petliura and the entire Ukrainian government adopted a democratic and humanitarian attitude toward the people of Ukraine, irrespective of their nationality and religion, with the best example being reflected in the "Law on National-Personal Autonomy", passed by the Central Council of Ukraine on January 22, l918.
Dr. Taras Hunczak is Professor Emeritus of history at Rutgers University and is considered as one of the leading authorities on Ukrainian-Jewish relations in the 20^th century. This important work presents a balanced interpretation of Symon Petiura and his attitude toward the Jewish minority during this turbulent period in Ukrainian history. Since the earlier publication is out of print, this revised and updated edition with new and important source materials will prove to be of much value to scholars and students interested in researching Ukrainian-Jewish relations.
The book may be ordered by writing to: Ukrainian Historical Association, P. O. Box 312, Kent, OH44240, USA
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