Neo-Munich policy: if the EU does not take decisive steps, it will share responsibility for bloodshed in Ukraine and hundreds of thousands of refugees
I feel so frustrated by continuous statements from the EU that it is not time for sanctions yet. I am not a diplomat so let me formulate very clearly: the absence of real deeds from the EU have led to escalation of violence in Ukraine, kidnappings, murders, and deaths. The EU shares responsibility for that. The argument of the EU is that the sanctions are the final weapon. But the EU leaders are distorting demands from Ukraine. Do they consider us to be stupid? It is really offending for us. We, Ukrainians, for almost three months were asking the EU about targeted sanctions. Pick one or two persons responsible for violence, say minister of interior. If the EU has done it after Nov. 30, I am pretty sure the violence could be stopped.
The nice words about necessity of dialogue with criminals look like neo-Munich policy: if the EU does not take decisive steps, it will share responsibility for bloodshed in Ukraine and hundreds of thousands of refugees.
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