To the UN, OSCE, NATO, the USA and the EU
In 1994 Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal – the 3d largest in the world (afther the US and Russia)! Budapest memorandum signed by the great powers provided Ukraine with security assurances. Now Russian troops are openly interfering into domestic situation in Ukraine. Russia openly violates agreements it has signed.
It is time for the civilised community to act. The West was too slow to react to the Kremlin scenario which was implementing in Ukraine for three months. As a result, targeted sanctions were introduced only after 100 people were killed in the center of European capital.
Now when Kremlin would like yo transform Crimea into large Transnistria and South Ossetia, it is time for the West to act. The UN, the Council of Europe and the OSCE can condemn but practical steps should be done by those who can do it: the US, the NATO and the EU.
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