Bilatеral military treaty with the USA? (Двостороння військова угода із США?)
Unfortunately, Ukraine is not NATO member. Procedure to join it is long and demands the consent of all NATO members.
But a lot of countries has bilateral military treaties with the US, for example Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. US military protection safeguarded security of these countries during the Cold War against potential agression from the communist Soviet Union and China. Nowadays, these bilateral military treaties continue to safeguard their security.
Am I naive? Somebody would say it is not realistic to demand it from the White House. But this is not our problem. We proved to be peaceful, we gave up our nuclear arsenal and instead received "security assurances".
Now it is YOUR problem to fulfill YOUR obligations. So think what you can do:
- signing bilateral treaty with Ukraine
- sending naval ships yo Ukrainian ports on a friendly visits,
- joint maneuvers on Ukrainian soil.
I think that even one American platoon/batallion on Ukrainian soil would be enough for crazy Kremlin dictator to stop his agression.
And I hope the United Kingdom will follow the US example.
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