RuZZian lies in India: Ukraine's ''invasion'' in Chechnya
The video showing killing of two civilians in Chechnya in 1999 is now spread via WhatsApp in Malayalam language (stare of Kerala). A Malayali guy sent it to me asking who conducted the killing. I have explained that the soldiers were in Russian uniform and were speaking Russian (I cannot put this video as both Youtube and Facebook are blocking this bloody scene). My counterpart was really astonished as the video was spread in Kerala with the following explanation:
"In the past, the Ukrainian army invaded Chechnya, killed many innocent people, looted their property, and set fire to their homes. An old man reciting Surah Al-Fatihah is mocked by the Ukrainian army and brutally murdered in front of his wife and daughter.
Today times have changed. The Chechens who joined the Russian army have now entered Ukraine to pay off old figures. Let the people see the real face of the Ukrainians".
Another Goebbels-type example of RuZZian lies.
And I remember headlines on Indian TV during the first days of war: Kyiv is encircled! Invasion almost complete! Kabul fell, Kyiv next?
Is free-loving India doing anything to stop RuZZian war in Ukraine?
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