83% республіканців негативно ставляться до Путіна, щодо Зеленського думки розділилися порівну
Це, звісно, може бути слабкою втіхою, але принаймні до "сварки" у Білому домі республіканські виборці, які братимуть участь в наступних праймеріз, більше схилялися до України, а не до Росії. 69% вважають Росію агресором, 83% негативно ставляться до Путіна, а щодо Володимира Зеленського – їхні думки розділилися порівну. Див. більше нижче.
To: Interested Parties
From: Americans Together for Ukraine
Re: National Republican Survey – Support for Weapons to Ukraine
Date: March 1, 2025 Republican Public Opinion on Ukraine
A February national survey of Republican primary voters reveals nuanced perspectives on the war in Ukraine likely to shape their support for President Donald Trump's push for peace. The top five takeaways for policymakers are:
1. Give Trump the tools to pressure Russia to end the war. 62% of Republicans are more likely to support Ukraine aid if it gives President Trump the time and leverage that he needs to negotiate a peaceful end to the war that's in America's best interest.
a. 60% of Republicans think that if President Trump negotiates a good deal and the U.S. can be paid in some way, we should keep arming Ukraine even if there is a risk of direct confl ict with Russia.
2. Republicans want to help return kidnapped Ukrainian children. When informed that Russia has kidnapped at least 19,546 Ukrainian children during the war and that U.S. support can help free them, 71% say they are more likely to support Ukraine aid (46% say they are much more likely).
3. Republican voters are open to their elected leaders supporting Ukraine. Republican voters who oppose Ukraine funding will still support Republican members of Congress backing aid, as long as they are aligned with President Trump's other priorities.
4. Republicans blame Russia for invading Ukraine: 69% of Republicans believe Russia launched an unprovoked war of aggression and that even if Ukraine isn't perfect, its people are fighting to exist as a free and independent democracy. They agree that if given the chance, Russia's leaders will extend their war beyond Ukraine.
5. Associating with Putin is deeply unpopular: Putin's image is toxic at (83% unfavorable) , the opposite of Republicans' positive image of Trump (83% favorable). Republicans have a balanced view of Zelenskyy (43% favorable to 45% unfavorable) .
Methodology: This poll was taken of 600 likely Republican Primary voters in 2026 Midterm Elections using a combination of live calls and text messages. The margin of error is ±4%. 53% identified as "Trump Republicans" and 83% have a favorable view of President Trump.
Americans Together for Ukraine is a 501c (4) organization
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