Ганьба! Ющенко: Я не бачу показовий процес, а швидше нормальну судову процедурy
Ющенко вважає вирок Тимошенко "просто вироком"
"Я не бачу показовий процес, а швидше нормальну судову процедуру. Навіть політики не вище закону. Чи не був колишній президент Франції Жак Ширак також змушений постати перед судом?", – Запитує він.
Ющенко, який так часто звинувачували у нерішучості щодо ухвалення рішень, не може утриматись, щоб не висловитися. Він каже, що не було нічого поганого у справі проти Юлії Тимошенко. Навіть тоді, коли його увагу звернули на той факт, що ніхто не може стверджувати, ніби колишній прем'єр-міністр
мала особисті фінансові вигоди від угоди – цього не достатньо, аби
похитнути його впевненість у її злочинних діяннях. "Те, що відбулося наприкінці 2008 року було трагедією для України і перемогою Росії!", – кричить він збуджено.
Ultimate Betrayal
Ukraine Retreats to a Dark Past
By Erich Follath
'A Normal Judicial Process'
What does Yushchenko say about the recent trial against his former running mate? Putting aside for a moment all points of criticism, all accumulated differences and all the pent-up anger and frustration, shouldn't he feel a sense of solidarity with her and sharply criticize this shameful show trial as his friends in the West have done?
"I don't see a show trial, but rather a normal judicial process. Even politicians are not above the law. Wasn't former French President Jacques Chirac also forced to stand trial?" he asks.
Yushchenko, who has so often been accused of wavering on his decisions, cannot be deterred from his opinion. He says there was nothing wrong with the proceedings against Yulia Tymoshenko. Even when his attention was drawn to the fact that no one can claim that the former prime minister made personal financial gains from the agreement, it's still not enough to shake his conviction that she committed criminal acts. "What happened in late 2008 was a tragedy for Ukraine and a victory for Russia!" he shouts excitedly.
Now red in the face, he sketches a number of figures on a piece of paper. He says that he is sure that he could have forced the Russians to lower their prices of energy supplies to Ukraine, but in mid-January 2009, the prime minister independently took it upon herself to travel to Moscow to negotiate an overnight deal there. He says that he subsequently asked her on four occasions in Kiev what price she had agreed to. Four times she merely said: "A good one." When he later discovered that Ukraine was paying more than what most Western European countries were charged per cubic meter of natural gas, he was flabbergasted.
"I am convinced that Yulia only signed because she was to receive a significant price reduction for a specific period of time in which the elections were to take place. With her pockets full and the certainty that she had resolved a dispute, she was able to go out and woo the voters," says Yushchenko.
The presidential election in January 2010 was a disaster for Yushchenko. He finished only in fifth place, with around 5.4 percent of the vote. This is the worst result ever achieved by an incumbent in free elections. Tymoshenko and Yanukovych battled it out for first place. In the runoff, Yulia barely lost out, but later claimed – admittedly without any sound evidence – that her rival had rigged the election again. "She simply miscalculated," says the humiliated former president, Yushchenko, not without a sense of satisfaction.