25 травня 2012, 17:02


US senator calls for visa ban against Yanukovych, other top officials



Bill Text 112th Congress (2011-2012)


S.RES.466 – Calling for the release from prison of former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko. (Introduced in Senate – IS)



2d Session

S. RES. 466

Calling for the release from prison of former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko.


May 17, 2012

Mr. INHOFE submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations


Calling for the release from prison of former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko.

Whereas Ukraine has experienced encouraging growth and reforms since it declared its independence from the former Soviet Union in 1991 and adopted its first constitution in 1996;

Whereas the 1996 constitution provided basic freedoms like the freedom of speech, assembly, religion, and press, but was ultimately too weak to contain the existing corruption-laced political culture inherited from its communist past;

Whereas, as a result of the electoral fraud by which Mr. Yanukovych was declared the winner, the citizens of the Ukraine organized a series of protests, strikes, and sit-ins, which came to be known as 'The Orange Revolution';

Whereas the Orange Revolution, in concert with United States and international pressure, forced the Supreme Court of Ukraine to require an unprecedented second run-off election, which resulted in opposition leader Mr. Yushchenko defeating Mr. Yanukovych by a margin of 52 percent to 44 percent;

Whereas, in the 2010 presidential election, incumbent Yushchenko won only 5.5 percent in the first round of voting, which left former Prime Minister Yanukovych and then Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko to face one another in the run-off election;

Whereas, Mr. Yanukovych defeated Ms. Tymoshenko by a margin of 49 percent to 44 percent;

Whereas, shortly after the 2010 inauguration of Mr. Yanukovych, the Ukrainian Constitutional Court found most of the 2004 Orange Revolution inspired constitutional reforms unconstitutional;

Whereas, in 2010, President Yanukovych appointed Viktor Pshonka Prosecutor General, equivalent to the United States Attorney General;

Whereas, since Mr. Pshonka's appointment, more than a dozen political leaders associated with the 2004 Orange Revolution have faced criminal charges under the Abuse of Office and Exceeding Official Powers articles of the Ukrainian Criminal Code;

Whereas, in 2011, Prosecutor General Pshonka brought charges under these Abuse of Office articles against former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko over her decision while in office to conclude a natural gas contract between Ukraine and Russia;

Whereas, on October 11, 2011, Tymoshenko was found guilty and sentenced to seven years in prison, fined $189,000,000, and banned from holding public office for three years;

Whereas, recognizing the judicial abuses present in Ukraine, the Parliamentary Assembly Council of Europe (PACE) passed Resolution 1862 on January 26, 2012;

Whereas Resolution 1862 declared that the Abuse of Office and Exceeding Official Powers articles under which Tymoshenko was convicted are 'overly broad in application and effectively allow for ex post facto criminalization of normal political decision making';

Whereas, since Ms. Tymoshenko's imprisonment, the Prosecutor General's Office has reopened additional cases against her that were previously closed and thought to be sealed under a ten-year statute of limitations;

Whereas, on October 28, 2011, the Ukrainian Deputy Prosecutor General alleged in a television interview that Ms. Tymoshenko was involved in contract killings, tax evasion, bribery, and embezzlement;

Whereas, at the time of the Deputy Prosecutor's public allegations, no formal charges were filed, thereby violating Ms. Tymoshenko's right to 'presumed innocence' guaranteed by Article 6 (2) of the European Convention on Human Rights;

Whereas, since August 5, 2011, Ms. Tymoshenko has languished in a prison cell in Ukraine with limited outside contact and access to needed medical treatment;

Whereas the denial of proper medical assistance has left Ms. Tymoshenko in a failing state of health;

Whereas international calls for Ms. Tymoshenko's release, access to outside visitors, and adequate medical treatment have been ignored even as her health continues to deteriorate;

Whereas, on April 28, 2012, major international news organizations, including the British Broadcast Corporation and Reuters, reported on and produced photos of bruises received by Ms. Tymoshenko during an apparent beating by prison guards on April 20, 2012;

Whereas, in response to her inhumane treatment, Ms. Tymoshenko began a hunger strike on April 20, 2012;

Whereas, amid international outrage, the European Union has delayed indefinitely the signing of a free trade agreement with Ukraine, and the member countries of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe currently are deliberating whether to allow Ukraine to assume the chairmanship of the organization, which has been scheduled for 2013; and

Whereas, under international pressure, Ms. Tymoshenko was moved to a hospital in Kharkiv on May 9, 2012, prompting her to end her hunger strike: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Senate-

(1) condemns the administration of President Viktor Yanukovych for the politically motivated imprisonment of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko;

(2) calls on the Yanukovych administration to release Ms. Tymoshenko immediately for medical reasons;

(3) urges the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe not to recognize Ukraine's scheduled 2013 chairmanship of the Organization until the release of Ms. Tymoshenko;

(4) urges the Department of State to withdraw the United States Ambassador to the Ukraine and suspend operations at the United States Embassy in Kiev until the release of Ms. Tymoshenko;

(5) calls on the Department of State to institute a visa ban against President Yanukovych, Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka, and other officials responsible for Ms. Tymoshenko's imprisonment; and

(6) calls on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to suspend all cooperative agreements with Ukraine and place Ukraine on indefinite probation with regard to its Distinctive Partnership with the Organization until the release of Ms. Tymoshenko.

Віктор Янукович відточує майстерність орвеллівського двомислення, а українська політика перевершує "1984" Джорджа Орвелла

Партія намагається здобути владу лише заради самої себе. Ми не зацікавлені в добробуті інших; ми зацікавлені лише у владі. Джордж Орвелл, "1984" Найбільшою перешкодою для американських і європейських політиків перед адекватним розумінням України та інших країн Євразії завжди була прірва між тим, що говорять українські лідери, і тим, що вони роблять...

КУПП (Канадо-українська парламентарська програма) в Оттаві, Канада підтримує зусилля Європейського союзу (ЄС) і українського уряду прийти до взаємного компромісу щодо проблеми ув'язнення Юлії Тимошенко

Ми, небайдужі люди різних поколінь й національностей, зібралися на четвертій конференції КУПП (Канадо-українська парламентарська програма) в Оттаві, Канада, підтримуємо зусилля Європейського союзу (ЄС) і українського уряду прийти до взаємного компромісу щодо проблеми ув'язнення Юлії Тимошенко...

Юрій Левенець теж був фальсифікатором виборів

Давайте не будемо забувати, що якби були відправлені до в'язниці ті з них, хто скоїв фальсифікації виборів у 2004 році – як вони повинні були бути – туди потрапив і Юрій Левенець...

Тимошенко вже виграла

http://blog.taraskuzio.net/2013/10/07/tymoshenko-has-agreed-to-go-to-germany-for-medical-treatment-the-deal-hinges-on-yanukovych-giving-her-a-pardon/ http://www...

Канада відклала підписання угоди про вільну торгівлю через права людини. Чи буде ЄС наслідувати цей приклад?

Ukraine angry as Canada suspends free-trade talks Sep 27 2013... by Tanya Talaga, Toronto Star Global Economics Reporter http://www.thestar...

Не буде ніякого компромісного медичного рішення у "справі Тимошенко"

Бундючний виступ Віктора Януковича на минулотижневому саміті в Ялті перед європейськими лідерами засвідчив, що він не випустить екс-прем'єр-міністра Юлію Тимошенко – політичного в'язня, чия доля стала перешкодою на шляху європейської інтеграції України...