30 березня 2022, 12:32

German companies help Ukrainians

My relative went to war. For a while he watched a large, almost all over the wall TV, on the screen of which there were shots of Kharkiv defense, Sumy, Mariupol, Irpen. Then he decided that this could not continue anymore. He dressed up and went to the military office. There, of course, was a queue, but Vitaliy is a persistent person. He stood, waited, had an interview. And before sending the troops he wrote a letter to their business partners. There he wrote that here we have the following situation in Ukraine: Russian aggressors attacking peaceful people. They are killing, bombing, looting. They behave like nomadic herds of Chinghiz Khan. So Vitaliy decided to go to defend not only Ukraine, but also all Europe from this trouble.

Vitaly colleagues from Germany received information adequately. And quickly equipped a whole road train with the help to Ukraine.

And two minibuses were purchased for a specific military base, which were also packed with medical instruments, medicines and drugs. So the balance of the military unit has already entered not only the means for the medical unit and the hospital, but also the necessary vehicles in the troops. In a very good condition, which have been serviced and inspected by our German partners. Ukrainian military thanks the management and employees of the company.

BEGO Bremer Goldschlägerrei Wilh. Herbst GmbH & Co. KG

Christoph Weiss and

Personal thanks to the managers and employees:


Siegfried FÖRSTER


Torsten BAHR

The heads of the German company and its employees as volunteer drivers drove the car to the Polish border. Preparation of documents engaged in:

Franziska Klemme, Kathleen Al-Kaissy, Andreas Beer

Ukrainian volunteer drivers Bogdan PETELCHUK, Oleg HONTAR delivered cars to Ukraine and to the military unit.

Provided by the German side humanitarian assistance:


VOLKSWAGEN Transporter,

Mercedes-Benz Sprinter

Surgical installations, bandages, harnesses, hemostatic, masks, gloves, disinfectants.

The action was attended by Ukrainians who are temporarily in Germany, and also in large numbers handed over first aid kits, bandages, harnesses, hemostatic.

Many thanks to the dentist Oleksandr Gumenyuk and the Khmelnytsky regional military administration for the assistance and execution of documents.

So works what is called "people's diplomacy" – when help comes not on government lines, but thanks to the reaction of people and business in different countries (in this case – in Germany). This is a testimony of solidarity with Ukrainians who defend freedom, independence and unbreakable principles of the democratic world. Among them – the right to life of the whole people.

My relative went to war. For a while he watched a large, almost all over the wall TV, on the screen of which there were shots of Kharkiv defense, Sumy, Mariupol, Irpen. Then he decided that this could not continue anymore. He dressed up and went to the military office. There, of course, was a queue, but Vitaliy is a persistent person. He stood, waited, had an interview. And before sending the troops he wrote a letter to their business partners. There he wrote that here we have the following situation in Ukraine: Russian aggressors attacking peaceful people. They are killing, bombing, looting. They behave like nomadic herds of Chinghiz Khan. So Vitaliy decided to go to defend not only Ukraine, but also all Europe from this trouble.

Vitaly colleagues from Germany received information adequately. And quickly equipped a whole road train with the help to Ukraine.

And two minibuses were purchased for a specific military base, which were also packed with medical instruments, medicines and drugs. So the balance of the military unit has already entered not only the means for the medical unit and the hospital, but also the necessary vehicles in the troops. In a very good condition, which have been serviced and inspected by our German partners. Ukrainian military thanks the management and employees of the company.

BEGO Bremer Goldschlägerrei Wilh. Herbst GmbH & Co. KG

Christoph Weiss and

Personal thanks to the managers and employees:


Siegfried FÖRSTER


Torsten BAHR

The heads of the German company and its employees as volunteer drivers drove the car to the Polish border. Preparation of documents engaged in:

Franziska Klemme, Kathleen Al-Kaissy, Andreas Beer

Ukrainian volunteer drivers Bogdan PETELCHUK, Oleg HONTAR delivered cars to Ukraine and to the military unit.

Provided by the German side humanitarian assistance:


VOLKSWAGEN Transporter,

Mercedes-Benz Sprinter

Surgical installations, bandages, harnesses, hemostatic, masks, gloves, disinfectants.

The action was attended by Ukrainians who are temporarily in Germany, and also in large numbers handed over first aid kits, bandages, harnesses, hemostatic.

Many thanks to the dentist Oleksandr Gumenyuk and the Khmelnytsky regional military administration for the assistance and execution of documents.

So works what is called "people's diplomacy" – when help comes not on government lines, but thanks to the reaction of people and business in different countries (in this case – in Germany). This is a testimony of solidarity with Ukrainians who defend freedom, independence and unbreakable principles of the democratic world. Among them – the right to life of the whole people.

Блог автора – матеріал, який відображає винятково точку зору автора. Текст блогу не претендує на об'єктивність та всебічність висвітлення теми, яка у ньому піднімається. Редакція "Української правди" не відповідає за достовірність та тлумачення наведеної інформації і виконує винятково роль носія. Точка зору редакції УП може не збігатися з точкою зору автора блогу.

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