Heroin Mothers of Yanukovych/ Героїнові мами Януковича
The official web site of the Ukrainian President has posted the news letter on the occasion of the Woman's Day. The post which has became available to public a month ago, asserts that "The President of Ukraine congratulated 39 Ukrainian women, to whom he presented awards and certificates conferring the honorary title "Heroin Mother"".
The most amusing fact is that none of the President's men has mentioned a vivid omission for more than a month.
Here comes the screenshot of the said page with the selection.
The inaccuracy has derived from the faulty translation from Ukrainian "Materi Heroini" which stands for "Heroine Mothers". As a result the Presidential Administration has suggested it awarded "Mothers" not the the birth records, but for the drug dealing:)
It might also serve as a graphic illustration of the topsy turvy style of the management inside the new Presidential Administration.
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