21 вересня 2014, 00:04
Organised and paid by Kremlin's propaganda machine: Kremlin info-sabotage at the heart of America!
Today, advertising of the propaganda exhibition "Material Evidence" is posted on every second bus in New York City...

... and at almost all subway stations.

Who organized this exhibition and paid for not less than million dollar advertising campaign?
Resort to using the service "who is":

Information from Wikipedia
Svitlana Zakharova (Russian. Svetlana Zakharova Yurevna * June 10, 1979, Lutsk, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) – Russian ballerina, prima ballerina of "Bolshoi". People's Artist of Russia (2008). Laureate of the State Prize of Russia (2006). Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation 4 and 5 convocation (2007-2011, 2011-2015). A member of the party "United Russia" in 2007.
Also Svitlana Zakharova – Member of the Council of culture under the President of Russian that shows her closeness to Putin, and in an interview with Svetlana, she admits that she owes Putin. Not only he personally gives her flowers after the performance, but also not skimps on the award – eloquent picture where ballerina is presented the State Prize of Russia by the president, bypassed all the news agencies of the world. When Bolshoi tours abroad, usually she – or rather, plays with her participation, open and close the tour, which is a sign of special treatment by the management of the theater, and therefore powerful individuals.
On March 11, 2014 she signed an appeal of the artists of the Russian Federation in support of the policy of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin on Ukraine and Crimea.
I appeal to all free-thinkers in America to prevent penetration of the virus Putin is spreading in the very heart of America.
Stop Putin's Propaganda!
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