5 жовтня 2014, 18:18

The Azarov family finds shelter at a luxury mansion in a suburb of Moscow

"The Azarov family finds shelter at a luxury mansion in a suburb of Moscow" – англомовне видання Kyiv Post переклало мій запис про нерухомість, якою обзавелася у Москві родина екс-прем'єр-міністра України та екс-лідера Партії регіонів Миколи Азарова.

While Ukraine mourns the Heavenly Hundred Heroes and wallows in the blood in the east, the former leaders of government are settling down in Russia in the status of VIP-refugees.

Recently I found out that Mykola Azarov, a former prime-minister of Ukraine and leader of Party of Regions, owns a mansion in an elite suburb of Moscow.

Unlike m any of the previous cases about the real estate that had been bought by fugitive corrupt officials, this case is officially documented.

So, the mansion of the Azarov family is located in the private complex Monolit in Moscow region, Istrynskiy district. The complex is located in Voronyno Village, some 21 kilometers from Moscow along Novorizhsky Highway.

This plan of Monolit, an elite town in the suburb of Moscow, indicates where former Prime Minister Mykola Azarov and hiw family now live.

I received photos of the plan for this property, which is posted at the checkpoint to this elite reserve, from a whistle-blower. Section number 35 here is marked the property of Oleksiy Azarov, the son of Mykola Azarov who is still a deputy at the Verkhovna Rada from Slavyansk district in eastern Ukraine.

Together with journalists of the Russian Business Channel we managed to get a statement from the Russian Consolidated State Register of Real Estate and Titles.

According to the documents, this land got a new owner on March 21, 2014, a month after the regime of former President Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown and after the escape of all his gang to Russia.

The owner of this estate is Eduard Fatkhulin, Oleksiy Azarov's father-in-law.

The daughter of Fatkhulin is Oleksiy Azarov's wife and owner of the now-abandoned art gallery in Vienna as well as a Publishing House Publishing Deluxe Holding GmbH.

At the moment a similar land plot of 0.4 hectares in Monolit village is selling for $8.5 million. It's not that bad for a clan that was ruling Ukraine for the last 15 years.

This is a copy of a tital deed for the land in a suburb of Moscow, which is officially owned by the father-in-law of Oleksiy Azarov, the son of fugitive former Prime Minister and a parliament deputy.

This is the second page of the copy of a tital deed for the land in a suburb of Moscow, which is officially owned by the father-in-law of Oleksiy Azarov, the son of fugitive former Prime Minister and a parliament deputy.

By the way of comparison, a mansion that was owned by former Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko with 10 bedrooms, located in a nature preserve in California, was sold in August for $ 5 million dollars.

The lifestyle of the Azarov family at the moment are similar to how they lived in Ukraine. In both places, they were isolated from the real life with a high fence of elitism.

This is how a real estate broker advertises Monolit: "There is a school, children's playgrounds, rest zones, pond, church, a detached house for staff on the territory of village."

"It was designed by a famous architect in neoclassical style. Gorgeous pond with streaming water surrounded by alcoves and Arc de Triumph completes the architectural ensemble. The other chic elements of the design include Central Boulevard, a clock tower, a rotunda, and a lit-up entrance to the village".

Superstitious Azarov can pray for forgiveness in an Orthodox church located on this territory.

Besides, children of Oleksiy Azarov can go to school even without leaving the territory of this ghetto:

"The Moscow Lomonosow School chose this very elite residential complex as a site for their new branch... One can also find children's playgrounds, tennis courts, swimming pools, football fields, gym, sauna, Russian bath and much more on this territory."

What about additional perks for the luxury-loving Azarov family?

"Residents of the town complex Monolit become members of the English Club and the closed-membership Minolit Moscow Club which gives new opportunities and advantages."

It's not that interesting what awaits Oleksiy Azarov, but the prospects of the former prime minister are not difficult to imagine -a fat pension, curses of compatriots and a not-so-pompous funeral in his native Russia.

We can only hope that Ukraine will have an opportunity to seize the Azarov property after a change of power in the Kremlin. And may this thought keep the elite Ukrainian refugees warm during long Moscow evenings.

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